Rand Knight Announces

icon_dem.gifDr. Rand Knight has announced his intention to seek the Democratic nomination for US Senate. His site seems very well put together, with a good amount of information. Have at it..






84 responses to “Rand Knight Announces”

  1. shelby Avatar

    Having grown up in Miami and watched it become more and more Spanish-speaking, I have no problem with a guy who expects immigrants to learn English. I’m fine with “amnesty” for our 12 million immigrants (I don’t consider it “amnesty” for them so much as recognizing it was “entrapment” by us), but it’s more than a little irritating to see news reports interviewing the Nice Honest Hard-Working Immigrant who Just Wants a Better Life, and after 10 years in the States they still have to be interviewed in Spanish. C’mon, if you want it so bad….

    I do think I’ll have to send Dr. Knight a list of typos and stylistic pet peeves on the site, though. “On the ground” doesn’t need hyphens in the adverbial form, and I’m not sure what to make of “hate-filled anger.” Sounds tasty! Now with 50% more hate! 😀

  2. jac1975 Avatar

    Rand’s a nice guy, although he does come off a bit slick in person. He came to the YDG convention at Jekyll Island and really spent some time with us. RuralDem, his vision of what kind of Senator he wants to be is Sam Nunn. He made that point to me forcefully several times.

    I have no idea what his social views are, but I have no problem with him being pro-choice. The answer to the abortion issue is NOT legislation but making unwanted pregnancies a thing of the past. No unwanted pregnancies = no decision to make. If you want to force laws on women in this arena, I’m afraid you won’t get very far with your fellow Democrats on that issue. You can respect a woman and the fetus at the same time without returning us to the days of rusty wire hangers.

    On another note, I hope that Rand’s Sam Nunn admiration does not extend to Nunn’s attitude toward gays. Nunn was primarily responsible for the disaster that is Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. I know you can’t be pro-gay and get elected statewide in GA, but my hope is that he won’t be actively anti-gay.

    If the primary were held today, Rand would have my vote. Caldwell’s attitude toward hispanics is shameful (it reads to me like “Deport any brown person with an accent!!!”), and I’d rather vote for Saxby again than Vernon. Which may be why I keep hearing that Saxby is helping Vernon pay the bills on his campaign….

  3. indie_rock_elitist Avatar

    Exactly, all out destruction is AMAZING.

  4. Tim Avatar

    Uzi’s jam too much. And have you ever tried to HIT something with an uzi. At best you warp everything around whatever you’re aiming at so whatever’s near the target collapses on it.

    No, if you want more accuracy and rapid fire, go for a semi-repeater.

  5. indie_rock_elitist Avatar

    10mm? Thats it? I settle for nothing less than a nice Uzi.

  6. Tim Avatar

    I prefer a 10mm myself.

    Who Moved My Gloc?

  7. indie_rock_elitist Avatar

    halfway to being the longest BFD post ever.

  8. Ataru Atlanta Avatar
    Ataru Atlanta

    Hmph, you’re lucky I just LOOK like a hobbit, or I’d open a can of One Ring on you for that little remark…

  9. Mouth of the South Avatar
    Mouth of the South


    Another option is not to make bad choices.

    I may or may not be referring to the cape.

  10. Drew Avatar

    It’s really not fair of them; everyone knows that the conservative blogger is the “man’s man” their gated community and / or office park.

  11. sndeak Avatar

    The more, the merrier. I hear there are a few girls here that can shoot.

    Heck, we could turn it into a fundraiser. 25 shells per person, 5 bucks for every missed shot.

    It could get expensive.

  12. Smitty Avatar

    I hope this clay shooting event isn’t an all boy event. I wanna come.

    I think the conservatives are mad cause he’s cute…I’m just saying.

  13. Jon Avatar

    sndeak, I’m in… I need the practice.

  14. MelGX Avatar

    Great idea sndeak. Judging from some of the comments on the conservative blogs today, that’s where they’ll try and hit him first. They think he’s effete, you know, not a “man’s man” and all that. Something about the private schools and living in Vermont has them agitated. If he drives a Volvo, he may be toast. 😉

  15. sndeak Avatar

    I didn’t see anything on hunting/fishing/guns or conservation.

    Maybe we should invite him to shoot some clays.

  16. Ataru Atlanta Avatar
    Ataru Atlanta

    One thing I *really* learned from 2006 is “Don’t make choices too early”, so I am definitely going to wait on this one. That said, at least this guy seems both palatable and credible, as opposed to the other candidates (well, one candidate and one “candidate”).

    (Jesus Rice Krispies people, does anyone have jobs? How do these comments explode like this?)

  17. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.

    The majority of Americans are pro-choice, so I’d say that’s a pretty mainstream view.

  18. RuralDem Avatar

    Oh, so now the argument is “he’s the best because he’s got the best website and/or most information up!”

    Sorry, not buying it. Greg Hecht and Angela Moore should be in office right now if that’s the case.

    Fiscally he seems ok. I want more info socially. Stem cell research is good, but the pro-choice stuff is a little concerning. I wonder where he stands on the death penalty. He’s far from a moderate, but he’s not too far left.

  19. Jon Avatar

    If you spend a few minutes reading Rand’s issue set, all your going to see is mainstream Democratic Party issues.

    He is not left or right. He is firmly moderate.

    How Knight runs, raises money, and “connects with voters”, will be something we all get to see play out. Just contrast his first day against his named opponents. Then look at where they all are on the issues axis.

    It’s not even close.

    Is it?

  20. sndeak Avatar

    Holcomb and Reddy were fighting for the same voter base. Most people that voted for one of them had the other as their second choice. If either had gotten out the other would hve most likely made it into the run-off.

    The race is just getting started. We are going to have plenty of time to get acquinted with all the candidates. No reason for us to start whacking each other so soon in this race.

  21. RuralDem Avatar

    I’ll have to agree with Chris. but I’m also looking at it from a different route.

    What issues does he really believe in? Sure he has a ton of information on his site, but what are his core issues? When he goes and speaks to various groups, what are his main messages?

    We need someone who can do well outside of Atlanta. If not, then we are wasting our time.

    Sure, you can focus on Atlanta and forget the rest of the state, but that’s the reason our party is in the mess it’s in now.

  22. chris Avatar

    Good question Mel. The answer is probably yes but I’m not sure it’s the right question to ask. I think the better question is: is this guy a credible candidate?

    And by credible, I don’t mean can he write some good issue positions. I mean it in the sense of what networks does he run in, can he raise the money to compete, does he have the necessary roots in Georgia?

    Politics can be a tough game. I have no doubt in my mind that, for example, Scott Holcomb and Shyam Reddy would be better Secretary of States than our Democratic nominee last year and than the current occupant. And both have impressive bios (like Rand) but both also received less votes than Angela Moore – by far the least qualified for the job.

    So I think perhaps a better question to ask is this: if Angela Moore can once again con someone into lending her the qualifying fee, this time for US Senate, how can Rand get more votes than Miss Angela?

  23. sndeak Avatar


    I subscribe to C&E. It’s pretty good. I can bring a few recent copies Sunday for you if you’d like.

    This guy looks alright so far. I’m still interested in getting Holcomb into the race but if he won’t budge this is the best alternative I have seen so far.

  24. MelGX Avatar

    If that’s all you’ve found, he’s doing pretty well Smitty.

    I always appreciate a candidate site that’s content rich. I’ve met Rand at several events lately (I think most of us have), and it’s difficult to do anything more than chat at those things.

  25. PaulaG Avatar

    Oh my goodness. I agree with Sara, he is yummy. But is he too yummy? He barely looks old enough to mow my lawn, let alone run for Senate.

    As for the issues, I was impressed with his intelligent approach to complicated subjects, and the fact that he didn’t seem to feel that it was necessary to dumb things down. There was one little bit at the end of the immigration section that perplexed me though. He writes, “Furthermore, while I speak almost fluent Spanish and have for 20 years, I find it incomprehensible that some illegal immigrants refuse to learn English while attending taxpayer‚Äìsupported public schools in the United States. If America is indeed a melting pot of diversity and cultural riches, then the mosaic of segregated languages and cultures must begin to unify and agree speak the same language and do what is right for the common good of all.” What does this mean? Mandatory English signage? Fines for refusal to go to your ESOL night school classes? And if they are going to public schools and not learning English, maybe it’s not a “refusal” to learn, but a failure of the institution to teach?

  26. Smitty Avatar

    My only gripe is Rand’s “English Only” statement about immigrants.

  27. Jon Avatar


    Water pistols at the GMC it is!

  28. Rubyduby Avatar

    Damn it Jon! You just had to scoop me! Fine. I challenge you to a duel. Pistols or swords???

    Now I really am taking my ball and going home. To play and watch some PBS Sprout! Goodnight Sproutletts.

  29. Jon Avatar

    And here comes Jon bringing the pimpage:

    Rand will be at the FTP rally in Gainesville. He will get some podium time, and he will no doubt be working the crowd. So…

    Come to the rally this weekend.

    The others are welcome as well, but I have not heard from them.

  30. MelGX Avatar

    Girl Scouts, Smitty.

    So here’s the thing (yes, I always have to find something to fret over), if “we”, (meaning the majority of those who post or comment on one blog), like Rand’s issue statements, does that mean he’s too far left?

    I’ve just lost all perspective on these things. Do the few blue dogs here find him unacceptable for any reason?

    Is this a candidate we can agree on?

  31. Smitty Avatar

    Mel, ya’ll sang songs at “art geek” camp?? LMAO!!

  32. MelGX Avatar

    David, thanks. Yes, that was helpful.

  33. MelGX Avatar

    Kumbaya my lord, kumbayaaaa.

    Sing it with me brothers and sisters!

    Seriously, I always loved it when we sang that song at camp. It’s the perfect song for the month of June.

  34. Smitty Avatar

    Back to Rand – so Rand makes the case that its nurture not nature when it comes to parenting:

    “Parenting is the beginning point of most things good and bad in a human being. Without stable and engaged parenting, children are likely not to care as much about themselves, their community or their future. This careless attitude grows from a lack of role models and leadership in the family and it leads to violence, poverty and reducing earning potential and life expectancy.”

  35. Jules Avatar

    IRE.. as IF I thought we’d ever lose you… just doing my part to remind we’re all just guests here.

    Oh, Yuck and double yuck to any singing, unless it’s NWA.

  36. indie_rock_elitist Avatar

    Jules, just fer that im stickin round.

  37. indie_rock_elitist Avatar

    Jules, just fer that im stickin round.

  38. CatherineAtlanta Avatar

    OK. Everyone hold hands and sing along with me:

    :::We are the world:::

    :::We are the Democrats:::

  39. Rubyduby Avatar

    Not me Smitty. I’m taking my ball and going home.

  40. RuralDem Avatar


    I think the MTV phrase you used, applies in your situation. Most middle/south rural Georgians are center-right and that’s blacks, whites, men, women etc.

    You’re not too independent minded with the crap you spewed in that first sentence.

  41. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.

    Excellent Smitty.

  42. Smitty Avatar

    I’m feeling an outpouring of “We are the Dems, we are the World” coming over me.

  43. Smitty Avatar

    yeah, ok and that center-right side helps out urban folks, downscale blacks, and women. yup, you got me pegged I’m definetely not going to the center-right meetup gatherings.

    But you do have something wrong if that is your criteria because I would represent 3 parts of the party – center-left, left, and far-left. and some days, I can get all independent. I’m quirky like that.

  44. Mouth of the South Avatar
    Mouth of the South

    These are necessary debates. We need all of us (and probably a bunch of suburbanite white people, yuck) to reverse this state.

  45. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.


    I know it irks some of you that other people have different opinions, but have a little respect (this goes for both sides of the big tent debate). Not all Democrats are liberal / progressive and not all Democrats are moderate / conservative.

    There’s no need to get all angry. Whether you like it or not – we need each other. We’re in this fight together.

    So let’s stop with all the damn pettiness.

  46. RuralDem Avatar

    From reading your posts, one could reasonably gather that you certainly do not represent the center-right side of the party. Are you going to deny that? Sure, I do not know everything, but apparently I know enough.

  47. Jules Avatar

    sigh~ IRE and friends, when are YOU going to build, maintain the content and pay for your own “moderate Democrat Blog” and hang out there?

  48. David Avatar


    I have subscribed to C&E for 6 years or so. It is very process driven. The audience is political consultants and the happenings within that world.

    Hope this helps?

  49. RuralDem Avatar

    I think I already mentioned this at least once, but I have no horse in this race. I am still waiting to see if Marshall or someone else decides to run. Nice try though, maybe it’ll get a few laughs.

    If someone is not your type of Democrat then that’s great, it does not mean others will follow suit.

  50. Smitty Avatar

    for the record RuralDem, what side of the Party do I represent? Have you ever sat down and talked with me about my diverse opinions on issues. Nope…not that I recall.

    As they say on MTV – “you think you know, but you have no idea”.

  51. Smitty Avatar

    RuralDem, take your panties out of a wad. I do not represent one side of the party. I REPRESENT ME. so get that correct and stop lumping my sole opinion with others. I AM ONE. Do you see me signing my comments with the word “the Democratic Party of Georgia”? I think not!

    Your guy Cardwell is not MY liking of a DEMOCRAT. Vernon is not MY liking of a DEMOCRAT.

  52. Rubyduby Avatar

    Sorry there RuralDem, but I pretty much think that if Smitty says no-go for Mr. I Say I’m A Dem, but Would Be Welcome In Karl Rove’s House I’m So Conservative, she’s onto something there.

    Can we skip the Big Tent argument today?

  53. RuralDem Avatar


    I mean this in the nicest way possible, and I think I can speak for IRE and some of the others on here when I say the following:

    YOU do not represent THE Democratic Party. You are representative of ONE side of the party.

    Our party is a big tent. Just because you and a few others do not like a candidate, it does not mean the candidate is not a Democrat.

  54. Smitty Avatar

    IRE – that would be the difference between having statements with substance that any Dem can sink their teeth in and having statements that make Democrats wonder if you’re really to represent Democrats.

  55. Rubyduby Avatar

    David – given the track record of the very few GA consulting firms in the last few cycles, I’m ready to give the DC boys and girls my undivided attention for the time being.

    And the Newton County Dems are looking forward to hosting you all next Thursday evening. Little Mr. Todd is looking forward to working the room and hitting on all the ladies.

  56. indie_rock_elitist Avatar

    I don’t know what’s better, talking about your issues for 100+ posts or talking about you as a person for less.

  57. Smitty Avatar

    I’m with Ruby…he had me at hello with his pro-choice language.

    As one who has studied more trees that I can count – I’m all for the tree man!!

    Wow…he has issue statements and not “I’m really not a Democratic” statements.

  58. Mouth of the South Avatar
    Mouth of the South

    regarding his social skills, he spends most of his time with trees.

    he does sound a bit dendrophilous, if you know what I mean. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

  59. nicolette Avatar

    well – i have to say i’m liking his website…though he came off a little smarmy in person

    i dont know. he was just weird (angela and tim can probably back me up on this). hopefully he can work on that

  60. MelGX Avatar

    He is mighty handsome, isn’t he?

    Sort of off topic, but does anyone subscribe to Campaign & Elections Magazine? I think I’ll give it a try this year.

  61. Sarawaraclara Avatar

    My first impression was more along the lines of “holy crap he’s good looking.”

    I haven’t made it past the first page yet to actually read his bio or positions or anything. Too mesmerized.

  62. Mouth of the South Avatar
    Mouth of the South

    he is using Liberty, obviously, as his web consultant. They have done some good things in the past. And Christensen worked on Bruce Babbitts campaign in 1988, so I think that adequately prepares him.

  63. MelGX Avatar

    David, in fairness, there is a very short bench here. Once the two or three competent firms are taken, where else does one go?

    At least he didn’t go with the firm CC used.

  64. Mouth of the South Avatar
    Mouth of the South

    given his degree and area of study, he might be alright. I was worried he was a medical doctor.

    As long as he hates Georgia Power he is a friend of mine.

  65. David Avatar

    I think Ken Christensen out of DC is doing the General Consulting.

    I do think that is one thing in favor or Cardwell and Jones is that they have hired a lot of Georgia talent and Knight seems to be running his campaign out of DC?

  66. indie_rock_elitist Avatar

    is it a good or bad sign for randy that his consultant doesn’t know one of his clients’ names?

  67. MelGX Avatar

    His current site was done by a company out of Boston named Liberty Concepts.


  68. MelGX Avatar

    Who’s his campaign manager David? Do you know?

  69. David Avatar

    Actually he has Christensen & Associates out of DC working with him: http://caiassociates.com/home.html

  70. MelGX Avatar

    Still reading, and still haven’t found anything to kvetch about. And his material is very well written.

  71. CatherineAtlanta Avatar

    What could be better on a Thursday in June than hanging with the Newton County Dems? Looking forward to it!

  72. indie_rock_elitist Avatar

    no team, all him=impressive.

  73. Jules Avatar

    Ruby…you go gurl…I’m looking forward to your shin-dig

  74. MelGX Avatar

    Are we swooning up in here or what?

    IRE, I don’t think he’s put a team together yet. This initial launch is all him.

    But we’ll find out more from him on Sunday at the rally. He’ll be there.

  75. Rubyduby Avatar

    To quote him: “unless he’s in the delivery room” next Thursday evening, he will be at the Newton County Meet and Greet, so stop by and meet and greet him.

    Shameless plug. Absolutely shameless.

  76. Jules Avatar

    Well you could knock me over with a feather, among other things he actually seems to know what’s going on at Ft. Benning. I feel faint.

  77. indie_rock_elitist Avatar

    3 in a row…whose he got on staff? I just realized we know whose on dale’s and vern’s. just thought it weird that i dont know whose on this one.

  78. RuralDem Avatar

    So…. who is this guy?

    Nice website.

  79. CatherineAtlanta Avatar

    I like what I see and read. Lets hope he’s coming to the rally on Sunday!

    Thanks, Jen.

  80. indie_rock_elitist Avatar

    Oh and ole vernie is done. that goes for his quest against Hank too

  81. indie_rock_elitist Avatar

    spiffy site.

  82. MelGX Avatar

    First impression…I like what I’ve read so far.

  83. Rubyduby Avatar

    Dude, you had me at hello:

    “I believe in a woman‚Äôs right to choose, plain and simple. It‚Äôs not my body and it‚Äôs not my business. ”

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