It’s too Rahm quiet

Rahm Emmanuel declined an opportunity to deny that he is the Obama adviser Blagojevich referenced on tape:

“You’re wasting your time,” Emanuel said. “I’m not going to say a word to you. I’m going to do this with my children. Don’t do that. I’m a father. I have two kids. I’m not going to do it.”

Asked, “Can’t you do both?” Emanuel replied, “I’m not as capable as you. I’m going to be a father. I’m allowed to be a father,” and he pushed the reporter’s digital recorder away.

Before anyone jumps on me, yes, I’m well aware that no Obama staffers have been charged. Yet. Say what you will, I’m starting to think that every person on Obama’s team with Illinois connections or interests is a shoe on the shelf that might or might not drop. The question for everyone, including our current next president, is what did they know and when did they know it?






11 responses to “It’s too Rahm quiet”

  1. Zaid Avatar

    The President-elect’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, said today he won’t go to the Chicago Presidential transition offices in order to avoid reporters seeking to ask him whether he had contact with Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich about the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama’s election.

    Emanuel appeared “beet-red,” according to an ABC News cameraman who was invited inside by Emmanuel to use his bathroom this morning.

    “I’m getting regular death threats. You’ve put my home address on national television. I’m pissed at the networks. You’ve intruded too much, ” Emanuel said, according to the cameraman.

    Emanuel has refused to comment as to whether he is the un-named Presidential advisor cited in the FBI affidavit filed in the Blagojevich case. “You’re wasting your time,” Emanuel told a Chicago Sun-Times reporter yesterday. “I’m not going to say a word to you. I’m going to do this with my children. Don’t do that. I’m a father. I have two kids. I’m not going to do it.”

    Asked, “Can’t you do both?” Emanuel replied, “I’m not as capable as you. I’m going to be a father. I’m allowed to be a father,” and he pushed the reporter’s digital recorder away, according to the Sun Times account. ”

    Things are getting ugly. I do wonder if he ever thought that maybe children in countries he agitated for attacking deserve rights like his do.

  2. Zaid Avatar

    “I am concerned that the media and the Republican Party will spin anything and everything to create the appearance of impropriety where none exists.

    I don’t think it’s wise for lefty bloggers to contribute to that.”

    Yeah, Rahm spent enough time shitting on lefty bloggers by name to where he has it coming to him.

  3. Drew Avatar

    Well, I’m not at all concerned about Rahm et. al., becuase at present, there’s nothing to suggest that they’ve done anything wrong.

    I am concerned that the media and the Republican Party will spin anything and everything to create the appearance of impropriety where none exists.

    I don’t think it’s wise for lefty bloggers to contribute to that.

    Consider the reports you linked – what do they say? That Rahm spoke to Blago, and that some of their conversations may have been recorded. That’s it. No suggestion that Blago demanded anything of Rahm, or that Rahm did anything for Blago, etc. Scary news tone notwithstanding, there’s nothing shocking about it.

    Meanwhile, we have official statements from everyone reiterating that Blago, not Obama, not Jarrett, not Rahm, not even Jackson, is the one in the wrong.

    I see no need to borrow trouble, here.

  4. Zaid Avatar

    After many years of him using his position as head of DCCC and other organizations to terrorize progressive members and opponent Republicans to do his bidding, I’d love nothing more than to see Rahm go down alongside his scumbag buddy Blago, but we have to wait for the facts to come out first.

  5. Ataru Atlanta Avatar
    Ataru Atlanta

    Hey, I’d love to believe this is all baseless and groundless, but I will remain apprehensive until Blogo and his henchmen are in jail and Obama is still the President. I can’t make myself pretend that I’m not worried by these ongoing developments – if you can, go for it.

  6. Drew Avatar

    Surely this post was meant for Peach Pundit.

    Not only has Obama’s staff not been charged with wrongdoing, I don’t see where they’ve even been accused of wrongdoing. And I don’t see why Rahm’s refusal to answer questions AT HIS DAUGHTERS’ SCHOOL EVENT is somehow evidence of some wrongdoing on his part.

    Really, where was this journalistic tenacity six years ago? And is this sort of baseless accusation what we have to look forward to for the next four to eight years?

  7. odinseye2k Avatar

    How about a thread on a great problem, like how the Southern GOP just voted to destroy the Midwestern economy?

  8. Ataru Atlanta Avatar
    Ataru Atlanta

    More details about possible conversations between Rahm and Blogojevich:

  9. Ataru Atlanta Avatar
    Ataru Atlanta

    There are also counter rumors against the alleged Rahm tipoff: I’d like it to be true, but I’m betting not at this point.

  10. CatherineAtlanta Avatar

    All I want for Christmas is a video of Fitz telling Rahm to shut the hell up 😉

  11. PaulaG Avatar

    There is also a rumor floating about that Rahm is the one who dropped the dime on Blago, so maybe he’s being quiet because he’s a material witness and Fitz told him to shut hell the up about all this.

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