Bad Behavior, part 1

Lord knows the summer heat makes me cranky. But it has apparently really gotten to a couple of worker bees. Join me as we take a look at instances of people (from both sides of the political spectrum) behaving badly.

First up, we have this story about Elizabeth Becton, scheduler/office manager for Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wa). Apparently, Ms. Becton really really really hates nicknames. Politico has the whole story about the following email exchange between Becton and the unfortunate person who accidentally called her “Liz”:

From: XXX

Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 11:38 AM

To: Becton, Elizabeth

Subject: JPMC Meeting Request


Attached is a meeting request for JP Morgan Chase who will be in DC June 3rd-4th and would like to request a brief meeting with the Congressman.

Let me know if you need any additional information.

Thank you!




From: XXX

Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:05 PM

To: Becton, Elizabeth

Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request

Hi Liz,

just checking in on whether the Congressman is available next week. [REDACTED] can confirm a meeting time for you – she is available at [REDACTED].

Thank you!




From: Becton, Elizabeth

Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:07 PM


Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request

Importance: High

Who is Liz?

Elizabeth Becton

Executive Assistant/Office Manager

Office of Congressman Jim McDermott

XXXX Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

XXX phone

XXX fax


From: XXX

Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:07 PM

To: Becton, Elizabeth

Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request

Hi Elizabeth, I thought you went by Liz – apologies if that is incorrect. Best, XXX


From: Becton, Elizabeth

Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:08 PM


Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request

I do not go by Liz. Where did you get your information?


Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:10 PM

To: Becton, Elizabeth

Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request

Hi Elizabeth, I’m so sorry if I offended you! I thought you had gone by Liz at Potlatch, this was my mistake. Best, XXX


From: Becton, Elizabeth

Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:11 PM


Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request

NEVER. I hate that name.


From: XXX

Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:13 PM

To: Becton, Elizabeth

Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request

Hi Elizabeth, I’m so sorry if I offended you! I must have mis-heard. My mistake! Best, XX


From: Becton, Elizabeth

Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:20 PM


Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request

Importance: High


If I wanted you to call me by any other name, I would have offered that to you. I think it’s rude when people don’t even ask permission and take all sorts of liberties with your name. This is a real sore spot with me. My name has a lot of “nicknames” which I don’t use. I use either my first name or my last name because I row with a lot of other women who share the same first name. Now, please do not ever call me by a nickname again.

As for your meeting request, who is the point of contact for this meeting? If it’s not you, then I need to know who because it’s very time-consuming to deal with a lot of people for one meeting.



From: XXX

Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:23 PM

To: Becton, Elizabeth

Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request

Hi Elizabeth, I’m so sorry I offended you! My mistake!

XXX can confirm a meeting time for you – she is available at XXX XXXX.

Thank you!

Best, XXX



From: XXX

Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:33 PM

To: Becton, Elizabeth

Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request

Of course! Again, I am sincerely sorry for offending you. I must have mis-heard and it was in no way my intention to make you upset. I always enjoy working with you and seeing you at the WSS events J




From: Becton, Elizabeth

Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:37 PM


Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request

Sounds like you got played by someone who KNOWS I hate that name and that it’s a fast way to TICK me off. Who told you that I go by that name? They are not your friend…


From: XXX

Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:38 PM

To: Becton, Elizabeth

Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request

Hi Elizabeth,

Again, I am sincerely sorry for offending you. I don’t want to cause trouble as I clearly must have mis-heard the person at Potlatch. It was in no way my intention to make you upset.




From: Becton, Elizabeth

Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:41 PM


Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request

Importance: High

I REALLY want to know who told you to call me that.



Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:44 PM

To: Becton, Elizabeth

Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request

Hi Elizabeth,

Again, I am sincerely sorry for offending you. I don’t recall who I overheard. It was in no way my intention to make you upset.




From: Becton, Elizabeth

Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 6:04 PM


Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request

Let me put it this way, they don’t know me and perhaps they were PRETENDING to know me better than they do and pretended that I go by Liz. They did YOU a disservice.

In the future, you should be VERY careful about such things. People like to brag about their connections in DC. It’s a past time for some. It’s also dangerous to eaves drop, as you have just found out.

Quit apologizing and never call me anything but Elizabeth again. Also, make sure you correct anyone who attempts to call me by any other name but Elizabeth. Are we clear on this? Like I said, it’s a hot button for me.

And please don’t call the office and not leave a message. My colleague told me you called while I was away at the Ladies’ room. I do sometimes leave my desk.






9 responses to “Bad Behavior, part 1”

  1. Mel Avatar

    My only pet peeve is when people confuse my name with another name beginning in m-e-l. I’d rather be called Mel than: Melinda, Melissa, Melita, Melody, etc.

  2. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.

    Honestly. I fucking hate when total strangers shorten my name to Jen. This may be weird to everyone here, but professionally I go by my full name.

  3. Stefan Avatar

    They used to have a Potlatch for DC Statehood when I lived there, I bet that’s where she was called Liz. I heard she is in the bathroom all day and never does any work.

  4. CatherineAtlanta Avatar

    You betcha, Jimbo.

  5. JerryT Avatar

    In a perfect world I would prefer to be called Jerrold, but that it be spelled “Gerald”, and that you say it with a strong emphasis on the first syllable.

    However, we are not in a perfect world so I don’t care.

  6. nicolette Avatar

    i can also relate….but that woman is INSANE

    some of my co-workers have started calling me nic….which doesnt annoy me as must as it just blows my mind. each time someone calls me nic, i’m just like “uh, i’m sorry, are we related?”

  7. griftdrift Avatar

    Sure thing Cath. 😉

  8. griftdrift Avatar

    I’m a stickler about my name, but there is a point where you enter crazyland…some people never see that line.

  9. CatherineAtlanta Avatar

    As one whose name is often shortened, I can totally relate to

    “I think it’s rude when people don’t even ask permission and take all sorts of liberties with your name.”

    But, damn, thats some shrill scolding.

    PS Please don’t call me by any of the obvious nicknames that my full name may inspire.

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