Tuesday Afternoon Open Thread

blog_icon_thread.jpgWell it’s been a while, so I thought I’d get one started…

Anyone going to this event on Saturday?

Hottie Aussie Rugby Players are fighting stereotypes & homophobia, good on you mates!

US Catholic Nuns are being “investigated”. Stupid boys at the Vatican.

Tom Delay is going to be on DWS… eeeewwwww


Fiji water, bad.







4 responses to “Tuesday Afternoon Open Thread”

  1. JerryT Avatar

    I try not to succumb to conspiracy tendencies (much), but, sad to say, I would not be surprised to find that the CIA is capable of shooting focused microwave beams into Novak’s bedroom while he slept. They don’t like it when their agents are exposed.

    I guess that means I have to predict a heart attack for Armitage in the next couple of years.

  2. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    Sorry for being particularly curt in that last post. I’m not a good ambassador for anything.

  3. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    The investigation is actually far less nefarious (in fact not at all) than the article presents itself. In fact if I dare say it, the writer of said article was fairly ill informed and ignorant of Catholic orthodoxy but not that has ever stopped people from criticisms before. For example one of the biggest concerns is that in America nuns are starting to focus a lot more on political work which isn’t a problem per se except that ministries are suffering at its expense. The goal is to find a way to balance those two efforts. Surely I can’t think of anyone who is going to suggest organizations shouldn’t constantly review the way they operate to find most effective use of their time. But hey why concern ourselves with these things it doesn’t get people riled up like an attack piece.

    One of the biggest questions not only Rome but American Catholics have had is why we manage to have such a dynamic lay community which is far more engaged than any other country’s but vocations are so weak. I don’t know the answer I don’t think anyone does.

  4. Sid Cottingham Avatar
    Sid Cottingham

    I encourage everyone to attend the Georgia Association of Democratic Party Chairs Dinner this weekend. I have a ticket, but the birth of grandchild no. 4 will probably change my present plans. I especially hate to miss this year (assuming timing goes as Sally tells me to expect) because all of the politicians will be out in force I assure you.

    This is a great group, and a good time — with a good meal and glass of wine to boot — is always had by one and all. Humor is often on the agenda as evidenced by the following part of a post I did several years ago:

    If you missed last year’s gala affair, you missed the following one-liners from the evening:

    Labor Commissioner Michael Thurmond (attired in a white dinner jacket): “It’s been a thrill getting to see so many of my friends and acquaintances tonight. And it’s been fun meeting some of you I haven’t met before, including that guy who looked me right in the eye and said ‘Hey waiter, how about bringing me another drink.’”

    State Chairman Bobby Kahn was quick to pick up on Commissioner Thurmond’s waiter remark and have some good fun with the good Commissioner by saying: “Commissioner, if you need to leave early tonight, we’ll understand. We know you’ve got to get that rented tux back to Wal-Mart.”

    And Secretary of State Cathy Cox, the recipient of the 2004 Richard B. Russell Award — in addition to rallying the troops with a powerful stump speech — noted that Michael Thurmond had endeared himself to her a couple of years ago when he said, “I’m talking about ‘the’ Cathy Cox, you know, the pretty one.”

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