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Submitted Without Comment
9 responses to “Submitted Without Comment”
Those women are also far more compelling and interesting characters than the ones I cited. Maybe they are the recipients of over the top hatred but I think its also that they are representative of the most contemptuous (for the opposition) politics or policies for their own party. If that makes sense.
Can we just agree that coverage of female pols blows serious ass?
Those women are also far more compelling and interesting characters than the ones I cited. Maybe they are the recipients of over the top hatred but I think its also that they are representative of the most contemptuous (for the opposition) politics or policies for their own party. If that makes sense.
Can we just agree that coverage of female pols blows serious ass?
I’m certain that if you are or have ever been a female GA political blogger you will understand the, er, inspiration behind this cartoon all too well.
I think the point is that female politicians tend to inspire over-the-top hatred from their opposition, as compared to their male counterparts. Perhaps it’s because they stand out since there are fewer women in politics than men. Who knows? But the people you cite–Rahm Emmanuel, Tom Delay, and Chuck Schumer–have never been obsessed about by the pundits and the loonies on the other side they way Palin, Pelosi or Clinton have been. (Bachmann is a lesser player, though she’s trying her best to reach most hated status.)
This is absolutely absurd. Those women are hated not because of their gender but because they are either leaders of their party or (in Bachman’s case) a loon who gets on TV and says sh*t opposed to the opposite party’s beliefs. This is as stupid as the profile done on I think it was Nancy Pelosi that presented her ascendancy as some aberration because she wasn’t nice and this was so weird (the premise was she and other female leaders got to the top by playing hardball). My immediate reaction was why didn’t the look at the dove-like behavior or Chuck Schumer, Rahm Emmanuel, or Tom Delay for paradigms on how to climb the ladder while being nice.
Seriously the media’s coverage of women in politics is so egregiously pathetic. You either get patronizing tripe like this cartoon or generally ignorant shock that women can be cutthroat pols. Or you have sexist articles on how so and so is motherly and shows how things ought to behave.
WTF? I dont understand any of this! I mean just look at this cartoon is makes no sense at all. Furthermore what are you women folk even doing reading? When did that happen? Cats must now be sleeping with dogs. Let me guess first yall wanna read next you will want to be able to vote. My head is now spinning. I need to lay down.
And that we don’t need to be violated in the name of medicine every year – just every other year now. No one enjoys being papped down, but it serves a purpose.
Isn’t that the truth. Now they’re trying to kill us by suggesting those silly mammograms are a waste of time.
No kidding. I was wondering if I was busy in the laundry room and missed the press conference where they declared war on women. It seems like it’s really gone off the rails lately.
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