SCAD Style 2010

SCAD Style is a design happening at the Savannah College of Art and Design starting Monday April 26, 2010. 2 locations, 9 days, 59 speakers and 59 events. Oh my. Looks awesome. All events are free and open to the public.

Designing Obama

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The long awaited book Designing Obama is finally in production. You can pre-order today, or follow on twitter for release info.

For the first time in American politics, a candidate used art and design to bring together the American people--capturing their voices in a visual way.

The Design Director of the Obama campaign, Scott Thomas, has collaborated with artists and designers to create Designing Obama, a chronicle of the art from the historic campaign. Get the inside story on how design was used by the campaign, and scope out the pieces, created unofficially, by grassroots supporters.

Time plots

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From Nathaniel Pearlman, the founder of NGP Software, comes a new venture called TimePlots. The first completed public project is A Visual History of the Supreme Court of the United States, just in time for the info geek on your list. I wonder if Edward would approve.

Atlanta Pecha Kucha

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Tomorrow (Sunday) evening at 7:00pm at Octane Coffee Lounge.

Atlanta Pecha Kucha is an informal forum for creative work encompassing a range of disciplines: advertising, architecture, art, fashion, food, graphics, media (digital, moving, mixed), products.

The key to Pecha Kucha is the simple formula: 20 slides for 20 seconds each. Each invited speaker has the spotlight for 6 minutes 40 seconds to share and show off their work before the program moves on to the next presentation.



content.jpgAP asks judge to keep HOPE artist's lawyers

The Associated Press has asked a judge to deny a request by the attorneys of street artist Shepard Fairey to withdraw from his copyright battle over the Barack Obama "HOPE" poster.

Fairey's lawyers have asked for permission to withdraw after Fairey acknowledged he was mistaken about which AP photo he used to create his famous image and attempted to destroy evidence of his error.

Shocker. Last I heard it sounded like he had a strong case for fair use, and a great legal team. Via Nita.

Xtra Normal

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If you can type, you can make movies at xtra normal. Watch a few movies from users here. Oh my, can you imagine the campaign possibilities?

Stiff upper lip

| 5 Comments is a new site that combines the retail stores of 60 British arts institutions. The goal is to join forces to offset major funding and sponsorship cuts in the arts.

This is just the latest in a series of revenue generating moves by arts organizations around the world. When the going gets tough, art funding is the first to go.

The poster at left is a reproduction of the 1939 version produced by the British Ministry of Information at the start of WWII and can be yours for 10 pounds.

Or you can download and print the Obama version I made
here. It would be a welcome addition to the next health care town hall.

Facade projection

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How would it be if a house was dreaming?

555 KUBIK | facade projection | from urbanscreen on Vimeo.

From Dominey, who's got all the best links.

Some of the best motion graphic designers working will be featured this weekend at MGFest09. One of the speakers will be Paul Griswold, co-director of the N.A.S.A. money video below, with imagery from Shepard Fairey.

Brian Dettmer, New Books of Knowledge

Select works from renowned contemporary artist (and current Atlanta resident) Brian Dettmer will be on display at the Saltworks Gallery until August 1st.


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Recent Comments

  • J.M. Prince: Looking into the schedule of the events it's perhaps once read more
  • J.M. Prince: My fav recent discovery @ SCAD were these wonderful whimsical read more
  • J.M. Prince: Thanks for this Mel, Sounds interesting & I love plenty read more
  • J.M. Prince: Most excellent! Thanks! JMP read more
  • JerryT: I find all kinds of creative ways to not finish read more
  • J.M. Prince: I'm with Mel here mostly. And if we're going to read more
  • innerredneckexposed: Thanks Mel. The AP typically does an excellent job of read more
  • Stefan: 30% I would guess is really high. Fair use has read more
  • Mel: He originally claimed to have used another photo of Obama read more
  • JerryT: The way I understand it, the AP claims a copyright read more

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