Read it, then read it again.

Wheats has ripped the top off the Dome like a not quite healed scab, hurting a bit and revealing the festering ooze inside.

Sorry for the metaphor, but those people down there in the majority don’t inspire me to poetry.

Here is a picture of T-Dubs immediately after climbing off the Dome and swatting away biplanes.

Also, Scott Henry helped on that piece, too, but since he doesn’t dress like a Gorilla, I didn’t notice. My fault.






2 responses to “Read it, then read it again.”

  1. Zaid Avatar

    my senator got in last thank goodness

    hes a hater apparently

  2. Jules Avatar

    I laughed out loud at this piece. This was very well done and someone is smarter than your average bear.

    It’s very good wrap of the 2009 session. Not that I don’t love Grift, his daily recaps are priceless but CL hit it out of the park on this story.

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