So.. the guy who admits to voting for George W. Bush twice is attacking Jim Martin for maybe not voting for Obama in the primary. Seriously? I hope Georgia’s Democratic voters put this asshole out of his misery. Remember to vote on August 5th!
12 responses to “Asinine.”
Maybe politicians don’t read the Bible as much as they claim?
I don’t remember the part about bomb they arab neighbor in there.
So, the newsflash here is “Democrat Gives Money to Democrat?” Seriously, I was the person who asked Jim Martin to contribute to Edwards, for an event early in the campaign. He did it but did not endorse Edwards, though, trust me, I asked.
Has Jones not read that Bible verse about not talking about the splinter in your neighbor’s eye when you have a log in your own?
I think it’s like McDonalds’s response to the worm charge. Better off just ignoring it.
In the interest of full disclosure I will support Jim, but I question why the camapign has not managed to come up with a decent response to the DHR issue.
It was an issue in 2006, and was obviously going to come back in this race.
Seriously how freaking hard is it to say, yes I was in charge of the agency that was not the picture of health when I got there, horribly understaffed, and then had to whack the budget in a crisis, innocent children were harmed and finally tragicly that is what brought the states attention to the matter.
I’m no PR person, but yikes even I can figure this out and understand he needed to get ahead of this 3 months ago.
If he can’t respond to Vernon with his full set of Louis Vitton baggage he’ll never be able to respond to Zaxby.
I suppose that I could offer something of substance to this thread but that sounds like no fun.
Sorry for the double post above.
It is an inherently sexist joke so I am glad you weren’t offended.
It comes from the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, Redneck Definitions. GOod stuff.
At least you weren’t offended. Its a Blue Collar Comedy Tour bit, Redneck Definitions.
Highbrow humor indeed. I recommend it to all.
I think “Asinine, face a four” would have been a better read.
Asinine: I give her face a four…
We’ll have to ask Vernon how well that line of attack worked against John Lewis.
You may have endorsed Barack, but he sure didn’t want to endorse you.
Somebody needs to slam Vernon. Someone who can, maybe Andy Young.
It’s a secret ballot. They do that so if you did something stupid like vote for Bush twice and pretend to be a Democrat that nobody knows about it but you.
Edwards had a better policy platform thatn Obama I don’t think that’s some kind of litmus test for a Democratic politican to vote for “The right one” in the primary. That’s really a bad charge.
On the other hand it was kind of disturbing to me how many longtime party insiders backed Edwards out of cynicism about race (black guy can’t winism) rather than real concerns about policies.
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