Representative Tom Price

icon_rep.gifPrice recently sent out a mailer focusing on *duh duh duh* the energy crisis! Gas prices has been rising for the last four years he’s been in office, but hey.. if he’s ready to do something about it now. Great. Here are the questions from his Energy and Gas Survey:

1. Do you think Congress is a road block to American exploration of oil and gas?

2. Should Congress pass a law that allows for American oil/gas exploration in Alaska and off our coasts?

3. Do you support Congressman Price’s legislation that would create a working group between business and the government to find new alternative sources of energy?

4. Do you support building more nuclear power plants?

5. Do you support legislation that will decrease regulation and litigation to increase the creation of new refineries?

6. What are you doing to conserve?

7. Please offer your suggestions to solve our energy crisis: _____________






5 responses to “Representative Tom Price”

  1. Peter Avatar

    Georgia Congressman Tom Price posted a poll on his web site and so far only a very small number of people have responded. The poll asks, “What do you think would be more stimulative?” The two responses are “Tax relief” and “New government programs”.

    My single vote shifted the percentages by 4%.

    Please consider going to his web site and placing a vote for “New government programs”.

    (the poll is located on the right side of the above page)

    It would be a real laugh if the results of the poll indicated the opposite of what he’s expecting.

  2. odinseye2k Avatar

    “Do you support Congressman Price’s legislation that would create a working group between business and the government to find new alternative sources of energy?”

    Um, how about something we call the last THIRTY years of academic research and the Renewables Lab at DoE.

    If you can’t rattle off the alternative sources by memory by now, your head is severely up your ass.

    I’ve even run the numbers (such as they are from DoE and the like) and shown that we can go completely carbon-free even without nuclear or biofuels. I think there was something like a 30% surplus as well.

    I also didn’t do much solar other than covering all the rooftops.

  3. sndeak Avatar

    I thought I was reading the questions from the Gwinnett Republicans ballot this year. These guys all really do sound the same….blah, blah, blah

  4. Zaid Avatar

    I was on Price’s youth advisory council; we didn’t do much but it was interesting to see into the mind of a far-right ideologue. Gingrey, who’s just about as far-right but not as much of an ass, sent me a similar survey.

    Push-polling FTL.

  5. sPatrickC Avatar

    A working group? A WORKING GROUP? Really? Let’s move America forward NOW! Or, at least, sit around and talk about it at the expense of taxpayer’s. That should work too.

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