Back tonight by popular demand!

iconRNC Day 3 BfD Chat

Join us right here tonight for a lively discussion during Governor Palin’s speech. We’ll be using the nifty Cover It Live. Tune in right back here at 8:00 PM and jump in!

It was a lot of fun! Check back often for more chit chat.






11 responses to “Back tonight by popular demand!”

  1. JerryT Avatar

    OK, this is just getting bizarre. Not only did they reach deep into the bin to find a candidate who apparently they think matches up closely with Obama, now it seems that by “country first” they actually mean “unity”.

    This is the Rovian tactic of attacking your opponents strengths run amok.

  2. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    Do not attack [Palin]. Stop referring to her as a just a small-town mayor and a neophyte governor who’s unqualified to be President; in fact, stop referring to her at all. Attack John McCain, John McCain, and John McCain. Attack him all day, all night, and on weekends too. Behave as though Sarah Palin does not exist. Pray that the media will find some Palin-related scandal even more shocking than the perfervid theories aired this week (they’ll be looking for one, no doubt), and in the event that they fail to do so, do not under any circumstances allow yourselves to be drawn any deeper into a debate (which the McCain campaign plainly wants to have) over the relative qualifications and accomplishments of Barack Obama and the Republican vice-presidential nominee.

  3. Mouth of the South Avatar
    Mouth of the South

    I am not going to email the previous poster, but in terms of disruptions, I think he should get one of those giant aborted baby signs – I don’t think they will remove them, but if they did, it would be great. The delegates would probably defend him.

    Also, Palin’s speech last night showed her danger to us. It was a good pick and we shouldn’t underestimate her. Although McCain picking her shows how willing he is to put election over country, it doesn’t matter. She is staunchly conservative, but whether we can get that side to reveal itself is tricky. If she is asked on the stump or at a debate about abortion exceptions in the case of rape, she will most certainly back off her prior statement, so what do we do? Dark ads with black and white shots saying even if he own daughter were raped she would force her to have the baby with shots of Bristol pregnant? we would get our ass kicked for implying that “Levi” who they found a razor and a suit for, was a rapist.

    Also, having Hillary attack her would be a mistake.

    I think it has to be ECONOMY, ECONOMY, ECONOMY. Ignore the war, ignore the experience issue.

  4. zaki Avatar

    i need help i work at RNC .i want to make political statement at the last day ,i dont care if lose my job …can anybody help my email…….i was thinking about wearing superman custom with some-kinda statment in it.

  5. zaki Avatar

    i need help i work at RNC .i want to make political statement at the last day ,i dont care if lose my job …can anybody help my email…….i was thinking about wearing superman custom with some-kinda statment in it.

  6. zaki Avatar

    i need help i work at RNC .i want to make political statement at the last day ,i dont care if lose my job …can anybody help my email…….i was thinking about wearing superman custom with some-kinda statment in it.

  7. Sander Avatar

    Funny call today from Emily’s List.

    The caller identified herself as calling on behalf of Emily’s List. I said it was great to hear from her. She also said they are trying to build on the candidacy of Senator Obama (not an exact quote).

    I kiddingly said, “So are you supporting Sarah Palin?” She responded, “What State is she from?” I said again, “Sarah Palin” “You know, McCain’s running mate.” She laughed as I said I was only kidding. She apologized for not recognizing Palin’s name at first.

    I then said, “Well I do hope you are supporting RuthE Levy.” Again, she responded, “What State is she from?” I explained that RuthE was running for our 45th Assembly District. She asked me what State I was from. I said Georgia.

    I asked where she was calling from. She answered, “California.” I apologized for kidding around with her and that I realized she was simply a volunteer making outreach calls. I had done so myself. We both had a bit of a laugh. Then, of course, we started talking about donations.

    But later, I got thinking that this is one hell of a way to run a phone bank. When I was phone banking for John Kerry, I knew precisely who I was calling and something about the voter’s background. Likewise, when I was phonebanking for Steve Sinton in ’06, I knew the voter’s age, name, how many times they picked up a Democratic ballot in the past four primaries,etc.

    To make blind calls without knowing even what State I was calling seems to be the hallmark of incompetent planning. I thought Emily’s List would be more professional than that. I assume they were calling from a list of progressive voters. She should have known at least what State she was calling, if not my actual city and political district information.

  8. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    It means Hanks 1, 2, 3 — then everyone else.

  9. JerryT Avatar

    Can someone tell me what “Country First” actually means?

  10. MelGX Avatar

    Good lord. That’s why he was off the air until Russert passed. He’s getting a little dotty.

  11. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.

    Tom Brokaw just said Obama, instead of Osama bin Ladin.


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