Demand the Debate!

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Demand that Senators Obama and McCain both show up in Mississippi on Friday night and debate for the American people. In this time of crisis, we need to hear from our leaders, not let them hide in Washington. Now more than ever, we need an open dialogue with our leaders.

h/t: GG






16 responses to “Demand the Debate!”

  1. Zaid Avatar

    Well that’s interesting, Clinton has come to McCain’s aid.

  2. jac1975 Avatar

    Oh, I forgot…McCain doesn’t know how to use the blackberry or computers.

  3. jac1975 Avatar

    The idea that in an age of instant communication, blackberries, etc… that McSame can’t debate and keep up with the negotiations is sad. It also shows he’s not ready for prime time. A president should be able to multi-task.

  4. Kimmiega Avatar

    yum yeah I think many in the senate leadership basically said the same thing as in don’t bring your presidential side shows here…

    The point is, clearly the man is in capable of doing more than one important thing at once. Dude you can’t hit pause on the remote of the country or the world.

    I guess we really know who failed their 3 am call!

  5. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    Well if we look at this from a Utilitarian perspective, it is much better for these two to NOT be at the Senate. By doing the debate, more people will here about “their specifics”, will be more informed, and more likely to call their representatives if they see the process outside of Congress. At least htat is my consequentialist take on everything.

  6. Zaid Avatar

    “Uhm, it’s a three hour block of time (including flying) on a Friday night. They will not miss his faux leadership.”

    I don’t believe it’s only three hours away from the Senate, and I will no longer take No as an answer from this pathetic Congress. Kucinich was the only one up on that stage during primary debates actually making a real effort to end the war and not missing votes to campaign. Now Obama and McCain are ready to exploit the situation from politics, they’d better be in the Senate every second to do their jobs.

  7. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.

    Uhm, it’s a three hour block of time (including flying) on a Friday night. They will not miss his faux leadership.

  8. Zaid Avatar

    “Good lord, McCain’s missed 100 votes since April and now he wants to show up?”

    Well he needs to be there, arizona’s taxpayers depend on him doing his job not trotting out to MSNBC-GE crap debates.

  9. CatherineAtlanta Avatar

    Good lord, McCain’s missed 100 votes since April and now he wants to show up?

    “because all us political junkies”

    During the primary the debates got huge ratings. I suspect they will be even more popular now. We need to hear from them – hear what they have in mind for the future.

    He can hop on one of Cindy’s private jets and be away for just the evening.

    I just don’t see this as a problem. If 3 hours away from DC is going to make a difference then they better get this handled before Friday.

  10. Zaid Avatar

    I don’t understand, we should have two important senators out from debate and possible vote on one of the most important pieces of legislation in a very long time because all us political junkies wanna see Obama and McCain go at it like secretly gay frat brothers who’ve finally outted themselves?

    Let them handle this mess before we get back into the horserace idiotic campaign please.

  11. Jules Avatar

    I signed it, no idea what mailing list I am now on.. but I put in the comments that McPalin is a straight up punk ass bitch if he doesn’t show.

    I think the NSA likes it when I talk dirty

  12. Zaid Avatar

    Or have Obama debate someone who has been right on these economic issues for a long time — Ralph Nader. It’d be an actual substantive debate.

  13. Zaid Avatar

    McCain hasn’t cast a vote since July. I’d love him to do his job instead of off in Mississipi.

    They can do these debates after Congress ajourns. Why don’t they do their actual jobs for once first?

  14. CatherineAtlanta Avatar

    Oh, I musta missed something – is Senator Brown scheduled to be at the debate on Friday evening?

    Surely, Senator Straight-Talk Express, I’ve-got-the-experience can take an evening off to talk to the American people. It’s a lame-ass excuse to continue to stay as far away from “main street” as he can.

  15. Zaid Avatar

    For example, we have a much better debate going on in Congress than we can expect out of Obama and McCain right now:

    SEN. SHERROD BROWN: I don’t think a single call to my office on this proposal has been positive. I don’t believe I’ve gotten one yet of the literally thousands of emails and calls we’re getting. Part of this reflects outrage by taxpayers making $30,000, $40,000, $50,000, $75,000, $100,000 a year bailing out people whose country club memberships cost many times that. Part of it is, I think, an attitude. Wall Street, to most people in my state, I think, certainly to many of them, Wall Street didn’t care one bit what it was doing to neighborhoods in Cleveland and Dayton and Toledo. It didn’t see the devastation. It didn’t feel the pain. And my question for each of you is, do you think that—do you think Wall Street owes the American people an apology?

    BEN BERNANKE: Wall Street made a lot of mistakes. Regulators made a lot of mistakes. We’re going to have to go through all that. But let me just say this: people on Main Street who think that Wall Street is somewhere far away and has—whatever happens there has no implications to their lives are just misinformed, because if Wall Street and credit markets freeze up—

    SEN. SHERROD BROWN: I No, Mr. Chairman, people know that what happens on Wall Street has an effect on their lives. That’s not the question. The question is, does Wall Street owe the American people an apology?

    BEN BERNANKE: Wall Street itself is an abstraction. There are many people who made big mistakes and many regulators who made mistakes, and we need to figure out what those were and make sure they don‚Äôt happen again. ”

  16. Zaid Avatar

    I don’t know, I think the Congress should be in session as long as it takes to make sure we don’t give a blank check to wall street (like they gave to the war or maybe the immunity for telecoms or more “free trade” shenanigans or pork). I definitely think McCain is just a scared sissy, but it’s good point that we need to iron this stuff out more than watch celebrity politicians whose staffs are filled with the people who created this disaster snipe at eachother with meaningless one-liners.

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