Advance Voting Open Thread

iconTell us your story!

Where did you vote?

How long did it take?

Any drama?

Tell us!






3 responses to “Advance Voting Open Thread”

  1. olcrazypete Avatar

    Voted early in Winder GA. Workers said it had been ‘steady’ all day yesterday and today. They had maybe 10-15 machines out, there was a room full of voters and workers. I was on my way home, had my two kids with me (1 and 3), and was in and out in literally 10 minutes.

    Tin Foil hat time – I’m pretty certain that Obama isn’t gonna get a majority of votes in Winder (even though he does have a campaign office open here). Dunno if its just a small town thing, or if its provisioning in an area that I would guess would go much heaver republican than metro atlanta.


  2. Bella Avatar

    Went to North Cobb yesterday around 6pm and it took a little over 2 hours. Husband went there 12:30pm and it took 4hr10min.

  3. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    Pryor Street. Approx 1.25 hours.

    The outrage was that i paid 8 frikkin bucks to park.

    I of course sent FulCo a bill (maybe should have sent it to BHO).

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