I voted. Have you?


Yesterday my absentee ballot arrived in the mail.  I’ve always been a go-to-my-precinct kind of gal.  Waiting in line with my neighbors, checking in with the nearby middle school, and visiting with the poll workers is something I looked forward to. 

For this election I decided to vote absentee for a couple of reasons:  1) I wanted to see how the process works, and 2) I believe that with all the newly registered voters, the best thing I could was to get out of the way on November 4!

So, this morning, coffee in hand and laptop nearby for last-minute decision-making, I curled up (still in my pajamas) and cast my votes from the top to the bottom of the ballot.   I went back through the ballot to review my votes and check that I had filled in my ballot completely keeping in mind the election workers who will count my ballot.   Then I sealed it up and will mail it Monday. 

Now I can devote some time to GOTV efforts.  You can too!  We’ll be cruising metro Atlanta thoroughfares Tuesday October 28 through Friday October 31.  Hours and routes are still to be determined.  We need volunteers to ride along with the billboard passing out flyers and announcing early voting information.  if you’d like to join us in the effort, please email me.

You can also sponsor a route!  Bring the truck to your area!  For just $100 per hour you can determine a metro Atlanta route.  We’ll even provide signs and flyers so you can have you very own GOTV event in your neighborhood!

If you can’t join us on our routes,  you can still help out!  Please consider a contribution to our efforts!  Join us for Bowling for Democracy on Thursday, October 16, too!

Have you voted?  There are many potential problems facing voters in Georgia – the photo ID requirements; the recent revelation from the Department Justice concerning excessive use of Social Security number checks; concerns about adequately equipped polling locations; and general voter disenfranchisement.  But, we are forunate to have a number of opportunities for early, advance, and absentee voting.  For a complete list of options, please click on over to Don’t Wait in ’08, There you will find details and locations for Early and Advance voting across the state and complete information about Absentee Voting

Voting prior to November 4th has other benefits, as well.  Maybe you have a favorite local candidate who could really use your help on election day.  Or maybe your county election office needs workers to assure that the lines are manageable.  Perhaps a local organization needs help driving voters to the polls.  By taking advantage of the various early voting options you can make a difference in the days prior to, and on election day.

Hope to see you on October 16 at Midtown Bowl for Bowling for Democracy!

WHAT:  Bowling for Democracy Fundraiser

WHEN:  Thursday, October 16, 7:00 PM

WHERE:  Midtown Bowl, 1936 Piedmont Circle NE, Atlanta, GA 30324

Now, go vote!






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