I’m going to try this live-blogging thing. Ataru and Bernita need to not worry, however.
OK. It’s a madhouse here already. Even with the limited election menu, the Manuel’s kitchen is working hard! Nachos were yummy, as usual.
We arrived at 6:30 and got the last table in the room. We’re nestled in the lower level of the back room at a round table. Jerry has taken his usual pinball break, we are awaiting friends, selling buttons and working the room with Bowling for Democracy flyers.
CNN is all a twitter about the ACORN BS. So, can someone explain to me why the GOP worked so hard to get all these SOS candidates elected if they have no faith in their ability to do their jobs – verifying Voter Registration?
Bless Mel! She just dropped off more buttons and Don’t Wait in ’08 materials. Jerry is back working the room with flyers.
Thank goodness, Lou Dobbs is gone from the teevee.
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