No vote for you!
Perhaps Joe Wurzelbacher (“Joe the Plumber”) should have flagged down one of the trillion or so ACORN workers in Ohio. Then maybe he would be able to vote. Yes, that’s right, it seems Joe the Plumber may not be registered to vote.
No vote for you!
Perhaps Joe Wurzelbacher (“Joe the Plumber”) should have flagged down one of the trillion or so ACORN workers in Ohio. Then maybe he would be able to vote. Yes, that’s right, it seems Joe the Plumber may not be registered to vote.
The Plumber was on the radio tonight. I think it must have been Hannity’s show. The Repubs are completely off their meds at this point. They’re all calling to congratulate him for standing up to Obama and just asking a question and being oppressed for it. I was tempted- for a moment- to try and call in to say that JOE was the one who lied, McCain was the one who exploited him, it’s the free press- not Obama- who is checking him out, and HE’s the one who didn’t pay his taxes.
It’s a perfect microcosm of the current state of the Republican Party. Holding on to some delusional vision of John Wayne fighting bad guys, except that John Wayne is the one who goes through life punching and slapping and shooting to get his way.
His name wasn’t even John. It was Marion.
Sorry, plange! My apologies!
PaulaG, you forgot John and I!
And yes, we’d be thrilled too!
You know what I find offensive about this Joe the (Whatever) thing? I’m a small business owner, MelGx is a small business owner, CatherineAtl is a small business owner, and no one has ever asked us what we think of Obama’s tax plan.
Personally, if my business ever made so much money that I was taking home $250,000 a year, I’d be so thrilled by how well the business was doing that I’d be happy to move into a higher marginal tax bracket. Remember that the higher marginal tax bracket doesn’t kick in until I make $250,000 *after* paying all the business expenses, after my partner takes his share, after paying all my employees, and after standard deductions, so my business would be doing really, really well! Oh – and remember, that’s a higher *marginal* tax bracket, which means you only pay a higher rate on the amount you earn OVER $250,000, not a higher rate on all of it.
Would have preferred Ed the Journo myself. Or even, Ed the Champ.
Yeah, your average “Joe” alright.. Mr lack of personal responsibility is what I’d call him.
Things we learned this morning:
1. Joe’s real name is Samuel Joseph Worzelbacher.
2. He is a registered Republican and voted in the Republican primary.
3. Based on his current income, he qualifies for a tax cut under Obama’s plan.
4. He’s not a licensed plumber.
5. State of Ohio issued a tax lien for unpaid taxes.
Yes, Ed would be good too..
Hey this Plumber guy.. it’s got the fish stimk all over it. Voting for Mccain and has all his talking points but yeah they never met? What’ev’ha
Oh and Nita-he’s all yours so not hot, and doesn’t have a 6 pack either.
Or Ed. An Ed example would pwn.
Is there no one on McCains staff doing research?
At the convention, it was a picture of Walter Reed HS in Cali, now this..
These are the people you want to trust with the complex issues facing our country? They can’t even figure this simple shit out.
Oh, and I want to know, is anyone the campaigns want to make an example of named Steve of Mark.. give me a break with Joe already.
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