Some changes afoot.

iconSirota signs on to OpenLeft, other news.

With Matt Stoller off to progressive-ize the US Congress, David Sirota steps in as a weekday contributor to Open Left. Always a pleasure to have more Sirota to read!

If you haven’t checked out Ink-Drained Kvetch yet, do take a look. Today she reports the news that Nat Hentoff has been laid off from The Village Voice. I like IDK – it’s part journalism-analysis; part news; and part jazz. What could be better?

If you’re in Atlanta, this new site deserves your attention: Atlantans Together Against Crime & Cutbacks. Formed in the aftermath of the tragic murder of John Henderson at The Standard early Wednesday morning:

Atlantans Together Against Crime & Cutbacks (ATACC) has been established in response to the wave of violent crime that is taking over our city.

Last, and sadly, least so far, is a new site called This World Now. Labeled “a groundbreaking Web 2.0 media portal” . I’ve visited a few times and I can’t quite figure out what it’s all about. I welcome the proprietors, posters, commenters, or anyone affiliated to help us understand the goals of this new site.

What’s new on your blogroll or RSS Feed? Do tell. Consider this your Friday Open Thread!






14 responses to “Some changes afoot.”

  1. Zaid Avatar

    I think if he did that, Pelosi would say “k bai bai conyers”

  2. odinseye2k Avatar

    At this point, I’m starting to conclude that Conyers has played the progressives for suckers and is just waiting for you to buy his next book.

    He’s got all the subpoena power he wants in his committee. He wants to hold hearings on this matter, he’s more than welcome to.

  3. Zaid Avatar

    I’m not that angry about it or most of the stuff on here, but I don’t see any reason not to call bullshit when I see it. If somebody tortured Obama’s wife to death or something I don’t think he’d be saying, “Aw, well, shucks let’s be postpartisan and look forward!” Shmuck!

  4. odinseye2k Avatar

    On some level, Zaid, I almost have to commend you. You are our exhausted sense of rage.

  5. Zaid Avatar

    Interesting follow up on the special prosecutor question that ABC pushed onto Obama.

    It’s interesting to me how cavalier the President-elect is about war crimes.

  6. Zaid Avatar

    I’m scared of seeing smarter-sounding bullshitters than the dumb-sounding Bush bullshitters in that we can’t do this if that happens.

  7. odinseye2k Avatar

    The other part of the trick is that if the group doesn’t answer the top-ranked questions now, the press is probably going to start asking them, if nothing else to do the “Angry liberals hound Democrats” bit.

  8. odinseye2k Avatar

    “I’ve long thought that the “open government” thing was more or less a blitz to make it seem like they care what people think but they don’t really care what people think. This isn’t changing my mind.”

    Well, the Internet is going to be a channel just like phones, email, direct letters, and everything else. The better representatives will go and solicit input, but at the end of the day, they have to synthesize it into some combination of what they feel is best and what their constituents really want (not necessarily what they ask for).

    The main difference I can see with the Internet is that everyone can see what everyone else wrote and see when the representative is mis-representing the zeitgeist or not. In that way, I see an improvement.

    Another big difference is (hopefully when they post more bills and such online) non-experts can benefit from a wide range of expert analysis, rather than a few pre-selected outlets.

  9. Mouth of the South Avatar
    Mouth of the South

    “Will you consider legalizing cannabis/marijuana/hemp so that the government can regulate it, tax it, put age limits on it, and create millions of new jobs and create a multi-billion dollar industry right here in the U.S.?”—DJ C, Chicago, IL

    Open for Questions Response, 12/15/08: “President-elect Obama is not in favor of the legalization of marijuana.”

  10. Zaid Avatar

    “Questions are asked, then they are answered. Not sure what else there is to it.”

    People put a lot of effort into getting the questions ranked up there and getting people to vote, and the answers they give were completely ridiculous. It’s like Gibbs decided to give all trite answers on a lunch break, and it took weeks for them to answer them. Then, they cherrypick which ones they want to answer, instead of answering the highest ranked ones.

    I’ve long thought that the “open government” thing was more or less a blitz to make it seem like they care what people think but they don’t really care what people think. This isn’t changing my mind.

  11. odinseye2k Avatar

    I would like to see a few more answered, but what are you thinking needs to be added?

    Questions are asked, then they are answered. Not sure what else there is to it.

  12. Zaid Avatar

    Does anyone else thinks this sucks?

    If that’s open government, lol.

  13. Zaid Avatar

    Sirota and I are Facebook friends and ideological soulmates. Rock on.

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