Title removed by Author


Seriously I love me some Shepard Fairey, but really… did this designer think we were all going “Liz Taylor” and start wearing caftans? DFI has some concerns.






22 responses to “Title removed by Author”

  1. Jules Avatar

    Ruby! Yes, these are fabooo.

    Interestingly I toured MT Vernon while on the Very Cold, Very Interesting, Very fun, Inauguration week.

    I thought it was fitting, given the George Washingon was first and all.

    Oh and FYI: Martha was the Cindy McCain of her day.. yeah George married well..

  2. Jules Avatar

    and pro-caftan

  3. Mouth of the South Avatar
    Mouth of the South

    Getting to know your commenters:

    Zaid is pro-life.

    And now you know.

  4. Smitty Avatar

    How many others have their hands raised about wanting to ban Zaid?? I have both of my hands held high.

  5. TBS Avatar

    I never watched any Boris Karloff films either. However, the Carol Burnett shows I remember from early childhood were hilarious. I still miss Mama’s Family too.

  6. RuralDem Avatar

    “I know most of you seem to know eachother from all living in Atlanta, and I don’t live in Atlanta.”

    I don’t live in Atlanta and I’ve had the pleasure of meeting a majority of the posters on here.

    We disagree politically from time to time, but they’re some of the nicest and most welcoming people I have ever met.

  7. Zaid Avatar

    I see what you’re saying. I post on a few webboards where it’s like that and all of us who work at the two papers I write for here view eachother that way but it’s also not hard for people in different corners of a city to meet eachother.

  8. Jules Avatar

    Well, perhaps it’s also that we view this little corner of the world as a community as much as a “blog” and many of us have made significant efforts to get to know others in this community.

    I don’t live in Atlanta either.

  9. Zaid Avatar

    That’s rare for a blog, I’d say. I know most of you seem to know eachother from all living in Atlanta, and I don’t live in Atlanta.

  10. Jules Avatar

    Actually Zaid, with only handful of exceptions I do know most people who comment on this blog.

  11. Zaid Avatar

    “Who by the way has never met me, or most of the folks on this blog..”

    That’s par the course for the internet is that not everyone knows eachother personally.

  12. Zaid Avatar

    If you made the comment in good faith I take back what I said but the term does have a racist past.

    Of course I know boris karloff I did a lot of film and drama in high school.

    Next you’ll find that I’ll even pick up on Arsenic and Old Lace references!

  13. Jules Avatar

    TBS- oh who knows, apparently we are all racist according to Zaid. Who by the way has never met me, or most of the folks on this blog..

  14. Zaid Avatar

    It comes from the old boris karloff film Omar the Tentmaker about an incompetent arab oaf (played by a white guy), it’s about equivalent to blackface, honkey.

  15. TBS Avatar

    I know I will probably regret this, but how exactly is “Omar the Tentmaker” a racist reference? Is it racist if you don’t get it?


    Confused Honkey

  16. Jules Avatar

    I wasn’t making fun of your age, just pointing out you likely were not of a generation to have remembered Carol Burnett using it.. oh and those caftans linked are anything but bad, they are gorgeous.

    Odd you know Boris Karloff but not Carol Burnett..

  17. Zaid Avatar

    I don’t know, I’ve had fun looking up the history of the Omar the Tentmaker phrase being used to describe people who are bad designers apparently. Boris Karloff’s legacy never dies.

  18. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    I have nothing to say other than the fact I thought it was funny the five most recent comments were Zaid’s with 6 of the top 8 being his.

    He is becoming more and more like me every day…

  19. Zaid Avatar

    Hey let’s poke fun at people’s age that’s a smart argument, and racist jokes from the seventies sure are funny now.

  20. Jules Avatar

    Zaid, well all the “Yes we can caftan” jokes were taken.. and this is an old joke from the Liz Taylor 70’s days… which yes, I know you were not born yet.

  21. Zaid Avatar

    Omar? Tents?

    Stay classy.

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