To watch it go to ABC affiliate at 8 pm EST.
All the nominees are here.
Red Carpet hosts: Tim Gunn on ABC, various other people I don’t know on other channels coverage starts as early as 5 pm.
To take a trip back in time go here.
If you’ve just taken a hit of acid go here, click on the time line at 1969.
Any guesses who will make a political statement while accepting their hot golden man statue? Predict how many actors will mention Obama- I say no less than 5, not including the host what his Wolverine face…
Fashion victims here here and here.
News about Oscar, here, here and here.
For the first time in forever, I’ve seen all of the best pic nominees. I’d like MILK to win, but Slumdog is great too. Mickey Rourke was a billions times better than Brad Pitt… sheesh what were they thinking.. Sean was good too.. Him or Mickey.
Winners? Predictions?
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