DFI, the Oscars and You

dfi_icon_oscar.jpgThe stars and their fashions will be covered extensively by others, and

while tempting for me to chime in, that isn’t the point of this post.

I’d like to draw your attenti
on to what will translate for your wardrobe and why.

Shapes: I noticed three main shapes emerge from the limos:

1. The Disney Princess as modeled by Sarah Jessica Parker, Miley Cyrus & Penelope Cruz -no real world application, pure fantasy and fluffy meringue. Yuck.

2. The Little Mermaid as modeled by Beyonce, Vanessa Hudgens & Taraji Henson, again no real world application, however excellent award show garb.

3. Architecture, Structure and Standing up Straight as modeled by Heidi Klum, Amy Adams, Marisa Tomei and the DFI Oscar goes to Kate Winslet.

Yes, there will be real world applications to non-red carpet events.

All the above gowns had strong angular lines, pleats, fitted bodices,

bold colors, very little drapery and as they used to say few “fripperies“.

This will translate into suit jackets with angular necklines, collars will be wider and standing (Heidi’s dress). Hems will slightly longer too, but with a side slit. Trim will be contrasting (Amy’s dress)

and you will see more built in chunky jewelry like in Kate’s case seen

on the shoulder. We’ve already seen this, First Lady Michele Obama wore

several examples this summer, chunky jewelry like items sewn onto the

dress or sweater at the neckline. Big bold necklaces and bracelets are

part of this look.

Note that in each of these cases the models/actresses

all looked great in them because they were standing up straight. I

can’t emphasize this enough, I don’t care who or what you are wearing

if you are hunched over nothing looks good!

I’m working on a follow up post on how to achieve this look.






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