The Press Conf is in response to the vote of HR673.
Sen Keith Heard( HR673 author) is speaking now about the vote today ( Can’t link to it now-they pulled from site) This vote was to make President Barack Obama a honorary member of the GLBC.
The vote was 68 yeas to 70 neas. A PDF will be posted later with the votes.
Georgia is the first to make the President a honorary member, since Rep Smyre is the President of National Black Caucus of State Legislators so that’s why it was initiated here.
Rep. Austin Scott (R-153) objected and had it pulled from the rest of the calendar and asked for it to be voted on sep. A motion to reconsider was placed, they need 91 votes.
A member of the press is asking if a white person had won would they have objected. Sen Jones is trying to answer tactfully.
The GLBC is also commenting on the fact that Perdue signed on with Texas about removing the section 7 ( not sure about this one) I will link to this later.
4:49: Rep Symre is speaking now-he feels it’s very disrespectful and tomorrow is headed to DC for meeting with President Obama. -Good grief the man is going to have to “apologize for Georgia”
Sen Fort is commenting now- He also feels this was very disrespectful, is outraged and pointed out that this was passed in the senate no issues.
5:05 They have ended to press conf and adjourned to the GLBC meeting, which was orginally scheduled for 4:30. I expect this meeting to be quite lively.
Note: from the author- I’ve been working as a Legislative aide this session and have been loath to publicly comment much about this session. However today’s antics with the Privileged Resolutions is just the latest in a long string of hateful, nasty and obviously racially biased attacks on the President and his supporters. A few weeks ago we had preacher go off about the President and having the “answer to God” ( alluding to the President’s position on a women’s right to choose) you hear “those people” all the time.
It’s also been the anti-Obama agenda all day long here. The same week the President signed stem cell bill, we voted it down.
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