Would I? Hummm no.

iconThis question is for those of us who moved here of our own choice. Anyone who willingly left other places to come to the “New” South. It used to be, something like 8 out of 10 folks in metro were from somewhere else.

We moved to Cobb County in 1989, having left the NYC metro area in search of a different lifestyle and to get out of that rat race.

We did our research, and the Atlanta metro area seemed like heaven on earth, unemployment was low (3.9%), job market was very diverse, living choices were also very diverse and a hell of a lot cheaper. Places Rated gave it a darn good score (in those days you did your research by reading the Places Rated book, and reading the newspapers that came a couple days late) We saved enough money to be without work for 6 months if necessary. In my case it was less than a week, and my partner it was less than a month. Our family was just a couple hours away using a world class international airport.

Several progressive leaders were doing their best to see that we were indeed moving forward. I’d lived here before (1984) for a little while, and always thought it would be nice place to move back to. Things were not perfect but for the last 15 years I’d say they were pretty good. The last 4, not so much.

The average person will have 11 addresses in their life time, needs changing as time goes on, from where to live for an education, where to build a career and then decisions about retirement. In general I felt that the Atlanta metro would do just fine for retirement, health care options (if insured) are numerous, climate was agreeable and with any luck transportation would improve. My parents retired here, and have found much to like about the metro area.

Question is, do I feel that way now? Would I choose to move here in 2009? Will I stay?

My answer: No, no and not if given other options.

What say you? Are you graduating soon, will you stay? Are you out of work-will you look here for a new job? Are your parents thinking of retiring here? Would you start a new business here?

Just curious…heck I might just be having a mid life crisis.






24 responses to “Would I? Hummm no.”

  1. nicolette Avatar

    no, no, and probably not

  2. Zaid Avatar

    I remember the epic win of john galt inc. being fined for labor violations in NYC recently.

  3. odinseye2k Avatar

    Maybe the story is less about John Galt than it is about Joe Starbucks.

  4. politicalaka Avatar

    Just to add to the discussion about whether our state is still a desirable place to live. I received this e-mail (text pasted below), which claims to be from Rep. Ralph Long. It looks like someone in the Republican leadership is more concerned about Disney World than MARTA…

    I will always stay true to my commitment to keep my constituents educated about the pressing issues concerning us today. On Wednesday, April 1st, two days before the end of the General Assembly’s 2009 session, the Fulton and DeKalb County delegations called a special meeting for the sole purpose of discussing MARTA. At that meeting, the Republican leadership approached the two counties with what they said was a deal. According to the Republican leader, they needed 20 votes to pass S.R. 1, an unpopular bill related to property valuation freezes. We were told that we must support S.R. 1 in order to give the Republicans the votes they needed. In return, the MARTA bill would pass. If S.R 1 did not pass, we were told that the MARTA bill would die in committee and not be brought up for consideration before the end of sine die. The Republican leader said that he lives closer to Disney World than any MARTA train station, and that he only occasionally rides MARTA to ball games.

    The members of the Fulton and DeKalb delegations thought it in the best interests of the citizens of Georgia, and the citizens of their districts, not to pass S.R. 1, which would have an especially detrimental effect on areas hit hard by the foreclosure crisis. We were offended by the partisan stance taken by the Republican leader. Several members of the delegation pleaded with the Republican leader, reminding him that Fulton and DeKalb have solely supported MARTA for 30 years with no cooperation from the State of Georgia. That pleading was to no avail. The Republican’s posture was matter of fact, nonchalant, and dismissive to our cries and the concerns of MARTA riders. The members of the DeKalb and Fulton County delegations decided to stick together against levying transportation priorities against base partisan concerns.

    This state representative finds the actions of the Republican Leadership regarding MARTA disgraceful.

    I urge every one of you to read S.B. 120, the MARTA legislation, S.R. 1, and the transportation governance and funding bills that were also under consideration. Please call the Governor and the Republican leadership of the House and Senate to express your outrage at their dismissive and nonchalant response to the pressing need for public transit.

    “The Truth is Never That Bad”

    Your legislator hard at work!

    State Representative Ralph A. Long

    Call me directly (770)616-2130

  5. Zaid Avatar

    As long as we make sure the girl-to-guy ratio leans in our favor, IRE.

  6. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    IDK, a part of me says fewer people in Georgia means there is more for me to enjoy.

    I’m just saying…

  7. Zaid Avatar

    “Zaid, I’m not sure it matters exactly why someone would want to leave. The point being that instead of wanting to stay, folks are contemplating leaving.. that is a worry whatever the reasons.”

    Why does matter, because maybe it’s a problem that could be dealt with without leaving. But if it’s cultural, well then that’s a tough one to deal with.

  8. Jules Avatar

    Zaid, I’m not sure it matters exactly why someone would want to leave. The point being that instead of wanting to stay, folks are contemplating leaving.. that is a worry whatever the reasons.

  9. Zaid Avatar

    Are you guys really going to flee the state because you want your kids raised in a more progressive atmosphere? I don’t know, that just rubs me the wrong way.

  10. Jules Avatar

    Ruby, please keep me posted.. I have family in Portland Or, my cousin and her daughter ( about Carter’s age) live there. I’m sure she’d love to chat about it.. I also have a dear friend living in VT-Burlington area.. let me know..

  11. Rubyduby Avatar

    Vermont is where we are focusing our research on. We may look into Oregon too.

    We want to move somewhere that reflects our ideals so that it is easier to bring Carter up the way we want to.

    Every year we think that it can’t get much worse here, but somehow it does and the majority of people in this state don’t seem to mind being the butt of every backwards joke you can think of.

    Although I did tell Bezerko to hold my beer the other night as I walked towards a fire…

  12. odinseye2k Avatar

    “The grass may always be greener on the other side, but we’re more than willing to find out for ourselves. We’re doing our research to get out of this state.”

    The beauty of moving somewhere else is that the worst case scenario is that you appreciate where you come from more.

    Besides Tech’s excellent stature, I also wanted to ensure that didn’t spend my whole life experiencing only one place. And I mean really experiencing – my rule of thumb is that you’re just collecting postcards if you don’t work in a place or stay for less than three months.

  13. Jules Avatar

    VT graduates 81% of their kids, in class sizes of 12 on average. Taxes are high, but they spend 11K per student.

    Commutes are 22 min on average.

  14. Jules Avatar

    Hey Vermont is looking pretty good right now! Yay for them to pass marriage equality.

  15. Rubyduby Avatar

    My family moved to GA when I was 5. Bezerko was born here. He Who Rules Our Roost is a fine little Georgia boy.

    But…we are having the discussion on where we might move to. We’re looking at the northeast. God knows I hate the cold, but I hate ignorance even more and I simply don’t think I could stomach sending my child to one of the public schools in this state. We’re already not pleased about the crap we found out about at daycare just last week.

    It’s hard being an atheist in the bible belt. It’s hard being someone who values education in a state that is continually at the bottom of the barrel.

    The grass may always be greener on the other side, but we’re more than willing to find out for ourselves. We’re doing our research to get out of this state.

  16. siri Avatar

    I would move back to Chicago in a tenth of a second if my wife would agree to it. 🙂

  17. Zaid Avatar

    I was born and bred here, but I travel and read a lot, and I like to appreciate people for who they are no matter what there’s culture like, so screw it. I won’t ever be an ex-southerner, even if I live in another place it’s still part of me and I’m not ashamed of it.

  18. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.

    Atlanta is cold. And I would get the hell out of here, but.. I don’t want to take the Florida bar exam.

  19. CatherineAtlanta Avatar

    Love brought me here. Business and my extended family (that’s all y’all) keep me here. Can’t imagine leaving unless that French farmhouse becomes a reality.

  20. odinseye2k Avatar

    Georgia Tech brought me here, and the job I got from being at Georgia Tech will take me away from here. I really hope that is not true for too many people.

    That and the fact that I left a lot back West in order to get the education that I did. I am now ready to back to my family and hopefully hold on to some old friends.

  21. odinseye2k Avatar

    Georgia Tech will bring me here, and the job I got from being at Georgia Tech will take me away from here. I really hope that is not true for too many people.

    That and the fact that I left a lot back West in order to get the education that I did. I am now ready to back to my family and hopefully hold on to some old friends.

  22. PaulaG Avatar

    Don’t you dare move away. I’ll come after you and drag you back kicking and screaming. (Unless you take me with you, of course.)

  23. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    I hate carpetbaggers.

    ATL Born

    ATL Bred

    When I die I’ll be ATL Dead.

  24. Sarawaraclara Avatar

    I moved here in 2005. Never regretted it for a second, and I left the progressive haven of Boston to come here. I prefer all that is good about Atlanta, even with the warts and things that we need to work on, to anywhere else that I have lived. I can’t imagine leaving, though that is probably due primarily to my parents and grandparents living in Georgia now.

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