The Poythress campaign just sent a zinger of an email titled “FOR THE GOOD OF THE PARTY, ROY SHOULDN’T RUN AGAIN”. Seriously? Really? C’mon Team Beige what’s with this kind of messaging – nervous much? Yeah this so helps the Party.
In their email, I love how Team Beige disses Roy on being silent regarding the DPG affairs but never mentions what Gen. Poythress did so differently when the Party went to hell in a handbasket. I can’t recall Poythress publicly telling Mark or Cathy not run in 2006 and I sure missed the emails about Poythress taking leadership after we lost the Governor’s mansion. Come to think of it, I don’t believe I have ever seen Poythress at a State Committee meeting until he decided to run for Governor. Yup, now that’s some grade A leadership in the Party.
I think Team Beige has multiple personalities when they write emails. They start off by saying that Poythress and Roy Barnes are friends:
Sometimes it takes a friend to speak the truth, even when that truth is hard to hear. Roy Barnes and I have been friends for many years, but I believe I have to say out-loud what is being uttered in hushed tones all across the state: Roy, you shouldn’t run.
Then their paranoia personality appears and goes on a crazed tangent saying invisible Democrats all over the State “are worried that he’ll bring the Party down – again”.
Then their “Unity” personality appears, in a very flawed and disjointed manner, and lay claim that Roy isn’t going to strengthen the Party:
Not only do Democrats have to stop Roy Barnes in the primary, we have to then come together to win the general election so we can solve some of the toughest policy challenges in the history of our state.
The final personality appears at the end and Team Beige states:
For the good of the Party, I hope that Roy Barnes realizes that there’s still time for him to change his mind so we can avoid a divisive primary. Ironically, the only sure-fire way to prove that he has changed is for Roy to put Georgia’s needs before his own ambition and stay out of the race for Governor.
Seriously, Team Beige I’m not sure what kind of candidate you are presenting – one that will unite the Party, slew the evil Roy Barnes, or one that can barely get out of the gate for a Democratic Primary. Pick one, any one, but don’t send multiple personality emails.
In the end, I’m not sure what Team Beige wants from me as a Democratic voter. I’m an undecided voter in the Governor’s race and this email definitely doesn’t inspire me to join the General as he marches across Georgia burning down every Democratic candidate in his eyesight.
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