Roy Barnes is on the Intertubes and on the YouTubes
Roy Barnes is on the Intertubes and on the YouTubes
Darling The Thunder,
I never said I wouldn’t vote for Roy, because it’s likely I will.
With deepest affection,
My pal Mel,
I just want to be on the same team as you, just once! 🙁
With deepest sadness at this development,
The Thunder
Dearest The Thunder,
I can’t imagine anyone whose opinion matters less than mine regarding Roy Barnes, but here’s my two cents.
Unless he drops dead, he’ll narrowly win the Democratic nomination over Thurbert Baker. And if the Republicans can’t pull themselves together after their brutal primary, he might even win the General.
That will probably be a good thing for Georgia, but somehow I just can’t get all fired up about it.
Everything about his 2010 campaign seems more opportunistic than ideological. He’s not running because he’s spent the last seven years in the wilderness crafting new ideas for Georgia. He’s running because he sees a big open hole in the clouds.
That’s fine, but doesn’t really send chills up my leg.
Granted, I’ve only been involved in Georgia politics for about 6 years, but I’ve never met the man or even seen him at a Democratic event until he surfaced this year.
He’s a complete stranger and I’m happy to keep it that way. Absolutely nothing about him inspires me.
Democratically yours,
The Blog Bitch
Not a fan?
With deepest (and sincere) curiosity,
The Thunder
Dear The Thunder,
Thanks for the softball. If memory serves, Mr. Barnes lost his bid for Governor in 2002.
Perhaps to avoid fitting the colloquial definition of insanity, he chose to try a different approach this time. The other interpretation would be that he lacks originality and (possibly) an understanding of why he lost in 2002.
Having once been defeated by a man whose campaign identity consisted of “Sonny”, he figures that might be the ticket. And yes, he seems to be sucking the nostalgia teat, via Obama.
Right back at you,
The Design Diva
Question for Mel…Roy used “Barnes” in 2002 in a similar script but not in cursive. Is there a reason to go with just “Roy” now as opposed his original? Also, his persona seems to be hearkening back to a bygone era of governors (and ultimately him). Is that why he would use the calligraphy font? To get people thinking that there was a different time way governors used to operate and then be in favor of an ex-Governor? Or am I really over analyzing this?
Much Love,
The Thunder
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