The Georgia Health Care Insurance Reform Rally

Today’s Health Care Reform Rally offered numerous great speakers who let the crowd know that they were not alone in this fight for health care for all Americans. The speakers sent strong messages that health care for all was needed NOW. Larry Pelligrini and Lee Goodall did a fabulous job emceeing the event.

Rev. TMac was great, but it doesn’t get any better than our very own Congressman, Congressman John Lewis. Congressman John Lewis…need I say any more.

State Senator and Atlanta Mayoral candidate, Kasim Reed, was the voice of the generation that wasn’t around fighting the causes in the 1960s. Sen. Reed was great.

State Senator Nan Orrock gave shout-outs to all the organizers and all the groups who have been fighting for health care reform over the years. Nan told the crowd that the voices of women were needed to fight this fight.

State Representative Alicia Thomas Morgan brought the personal touch to the rally. She reminded us of why we needed to speak loud for those voices that are hidden in this fight for health care.

Labor was in the house. Charlie Fleming, president of the North Georgia Labor Council, spoke for the 10 million union folk who support health care reform. Yeaahh AFL-CIO!!

Jeff Graham, Executive Director of Georgia Equality, explained to the crowd why health care reform was needed in the LGBT community.

And let’s not forget the misinformed that were also in attendance.






9 responses to “The Georgia Health Care Insurance Reform Rally”

  1. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    Is this some sort of advert or simply the usual PR boilerplate something? Just wondering…JMP

  2. douglasthompson Avatar

    Health Care Reform Act-intent for Change

    For many years, America’s health brokers have been offering health insurance to individuals, small businesses and large businesses for decades, yet the enrollment statistics have revealed a steady decrease on an annual basis. The number of uninsured Americans is estimated to be as high as 30 million, and the Health Care Reform Act offers a solution. Not only will there be a higher enrollment number for America’s health brokers, but as of 2014, it will be required by law for every American to obtain health insurance. Every single American will be impacted by the New Health Reform Bill, making it one of the most important measures of the 21st Century.


    The main focus will be on businesses of 50 or more employees, in which they will be required to offer individual health plans, as well as family plans to all employees or face some stiff fines from the government. The amount comes to $2000 per uninsured employee, though there are exemptions to this fine. If you as an employer assist an individual with acquiring a personal health insurance plan through an open market called an exchange, then it would result in no fines. This only applies to an individual who makes a certain amount under the Federal Poverty Level, and the premiums are over 8% of his annual income.

    America’s health brokers can rest easy in the fact that there will be expanded coverage, though there may be more competition. With the rise in individuals who will have health insurance, there may not be as large of a risk as one may assume. Though the new bill will require America’s health brokers to enroll individuals with pre-existing conditions, there will also be a new population of young individuals who will be insured with fewer health problems.

    It is understood that larger companies already provide a group insurance plan (HMO, PPO) that covers all areas of needs for the population of employees. These policies will change very little, but there may be some changes in where the funding for the new health care plan will come. It is proposed that those making a certain amount of money, both individuals and couples, will be taxed at a higher percentage than others. This will provide money that can be used for the exchange and making sure that all individuals will be offered an affordable health plan.

    There are still a few years before the plan goes into full effect, though some of the measures will be enforced immediately. There will be plenty of time to sort out the details and iron out the difficulties. As for the plan, anyone who does not have health insurance as of January 1, 2014, will be penalized a certain amount of money, and this amount could become worse if health insurance is continuously neglected. There has never been a better opportunity for America’s health brokers in terms of acquiring a new customer base-a broader customer base. Also, there has never been a better time in history for individuals being provided with the resources for the necessary medical treatment. This is a very unique time, with history in the making. Finally, there will be health care for all.

  3. Zaid Avatar

    No problem. I want to help out as much as I can as long as I’m in DC and TP. I don’t know how long I’ll stay, it’s really killing me, but it’s a good experience to have.

  4. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    Then there’s the larger group who actually think 1550 was the ideal state of affiars we should be driving at too. We know them as ‘the Rethugs’ for a host very good reasons… JMP

  5. JerryT Avatar

    The plans Congress are considering are similar to plans already implemented in dozens of other countries whose health care costs are half of ours.

    Probably the only way we could implement a bad plan is to compromise away the very things that make it efficient in order to get votes from insecure politicians who view 1950 as the ideal state of the nation.

  6. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    Thanks once again Bernita for all your hard work here posting all the vids. I tried to write in yesterday (Fri), and there was some error that ate it. I wanted to mention that of all the fine speakers I was much impressed by the impassioned oratory of Jeff Graham, the Exec. Dir of Georgia Equality. Several Docs & nurses & small biz owners also spoke to the crowd too. A fine turn out and the weather even cooperated! Go figure for a sunny summer afternoon in Ga.

    Thanks again to every who turned out and made the great event possible. JMP

  7. Mel Avatar

    Thanks Zaid! That’s very kind of you.

  8. Zaid Avatar

    Put you guys in the blog watch today:

  9. lifeforce Avatar

    I think insurance for all is what we need but Obama’s plan will not work t will bankrupt the US. So come up with something else.

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