Tom Tancredo is…

tom_with_animal.gifI suppose I could let you all fill in this thought, but nah, I’ll use my vaulted Front Page status to let you in on a little plan I have.

Tom ” I like it when my gun matches the dead thing in my cold dead hand” Tancredo made a huge impression at the Teaboatbirthbagger ho-down this weekend in Nashville with talk of a “voting literacy test” (no link, too disgusting to see more than once, thank-you-very-much)

The fact that anyone would applaud such a suggestion is well beyond the pale, but aside from that, don’t’cha think it’s a wee bit ironic? Half of them can’t spell “literacy” as evidenced all summer long and doubtful they could pass such a thing. Oh that’s right the Tea Party crowd wouldn’t have been given the test in the first place.. doink, now I get it.

But I digress, back to what Tom is..

Tom Tancredo is:

– A former Congressman from the Colorado 6th District with famous local town Littleton.

– The chairman of Rocky Mountain Foundation an “application pending” 501 (c) 3 org. Website with lots of eagles and policy statements written like multiple choice questions, yay. Complete with a scary TT screed/blog

– The co-chairman of the anti-illegal immigration Team America PAC, other co-chairman Bay Buchanan, yup.. I’ll just leave it there.

– Honorary chairman of Youth for Western Civilization, way scary college organization. How do I know? I shall quote them that’s how. YWC “is a supremacist group that’s a relative newcomer to the right-wing student scene, though its founders have roots in more established reactionary groups”.

Don’t know where I’m going and why?

Hang on it’s coming.

Even with all those fancy titles, and scary ass organizations what Tom Tancredo really is…is, a man badly in need of an education about civil rights and more specifically Voting Rights.

Now, I suppose I could lure him to a fake, brown shirt wearing, red kool-aid drinking YWC meeting and tie him up and force him to watch Rachel Maddow break it down for him.


now bear with me here, we could take up a collection and sponsor him to accompany Evelyn Gibson Lowery, and the SCLC Women on their Civil Rights Heritage Tour.


Mrs. Lowery is every bit the icon her husband is, and I have no doubt the rest of the SCLC women would loving show the dear confused draft dodger all13 historic markers, and explain in graphic detail exactly what it was like down here in ‘ol dixie before 1965.

Now we don’t have much time, the bus leaves Atlanta on Saturday, March 6, 2010 at 7:00 a.m.

If we act now, and get him registered for the spring tour, he won’t feel so alone in his super celebrity status since Winnie Mandela is joining the tour this March.

Can’t you just see the tete-a-tetes between Ms. Mandela and Tommy, swoon.

Just imagine the witty reparte’

Him: all “illegals gotta go to jail”

Winnie: “been there done that” (bitch slap upside Tom’s head)…

Wouldn’t you just love to be a fly on that wall?

Now this sounds like a joke, but I had this idea that if nothing else someone from the SCLC Women should send him a note inviting him along.

Hum, maybe this should be a Facebook Group.

“Sponsor Tom Tancredo to Join Winne Mandela in Alabama to visit 13 historic Civil Rights monuments, with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference Women”

Oh and the correct answer to the original question:

Tom Tancredo is not fit to wipe the shoes of the SCLC Women.






One response to “Tom Tancredo is…”

  1. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    Just in fine form there Ms Juliana, I just had a few immediate thoughts here.

    1.) Whatever he was hunting? (It looks to be some pheasant from the surroundings & coloring). It was about the most innocent thing he did that week. Believe it.

    2.) If somehow we can get him liquored up some and get married to the redoubtable Ms. Winnie Mandela, I believe we’d have solved some of our problems, however briefly.

    But then again I’ve got all sorts of strange hopeful ideas too. JMP

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