“Anger is only one letter short of danger”

tea-party-sign-toter.jpgIt’s likely you have already seen the headlines about recent events involving Congress people and their families being preyed upon by the angry and disgruntled.

In case you have not-here is a smattering of the most recent ones:

Threats linked to health votes prompt security

Rep. Slaughter: FBI Investigating Vandalism at NY Office, Incident was “Dreadful”

Vandalism at Gifford’s office after vote

In no way am I surprised by these events, and nor should you be. The wave has been building since the GOP Convention of 2008.

Since then the Southern Poverty Law Center reports the following;

The SPLC documented a 244 percent increase in the number of active Patriot groups in 2009. Their numbers grew from 149 groups in 2008 to 512 groups in 2009, an astonishing addition of 363 new groups in a single year. Militias – the paramilitary arm of the Patriot movement – were a major part of the increase, growing from 42 militias in 2008 to 127 in 2009.

Anyone who thinks the actions of the swiftboatbirthbaggers is in any way unrelated to these statistics is smoking something we ought to be taxing.






8 responses to ““Anger is only one letter short of danger””

  1. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    Neither did the FT’s Ed Luce here: [Just the Money quote]:


    “The third consequence, and in some respects cause, of Mr Obama‚Äôs healthcare victory is the at least temporary capture of the Republican party by its radical wing. At a dinner in Washington this week, Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker and likely 2012 presidential candidate, described Mr Obama‚Äôs bill as the biggest threat to the ‚ÄúAmerican way of life since the 1850s‚Äù when the country was heading for civil war.

    Others, perhaps only sketchily aware of Adolf Hitler’s career, which is not remembered for efforts to extend healthcare to the uninsured, continue to toss around words such as “Gestapo” and “fascist”. John Boehner, the House Republican leader, saw the passage of what by normal standards should be seen as a centrist bill as “Armageddon”. Meanwhile, according to a Harris poll this week, 24 per cent of Republicans think Mr Obama “may be the anti-Christ”.

    Update on days of Rethuglican rage: Tea-partiers claimed this a.) Did Not happen and/or b.) was wholly ‘made up for propaganda purposes’. So here it is again so everyone can view it in all it’s crowning crazed racist & gory glory:

    Congressman Spit On By Tea Party Protester (VIDEO)

    First Posted: 03-28-10 01:30 PM | Updated: 03-28-10 01:46 PM



  2. Supersteve Avatar

    So let me get this straight,

    Being lied to about sending their sons and daughters off to war didn’t bother these people. Neither did finding out that the guvviment is spying on them illegally. Nor did finding out that a senior official in the Bush administration outed a CIA agent rile them up. But trying to help out people who need health care – that’s what makes these people rise up in anger? I don’t get it.

  3. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    Yeah, the eternal question; does he ever stop? Err, no. I now present The return of the Public Option (might be coming here): {cue incredulous screaming wingnuts}:


    And this lovely from ThinkProgress.org (seen on Kos 1st though):


    “Why George Washington would disagree with the right wing about health care‚Äôs constitutionality.

    Yesterday, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli announced that he would join a growing list of right-wing attorneys general who are suing to have health reform declared unconstitutional. According to Cuccinelli, the new law‚Äôs provisions that require individuals to carry health insurance violate the Constitution because ‚Äúat no time in our history has the government mandated its citizens buy a good or service.‚Äù The truth, however, is that the Second Militia Act of 1792, required a significant percentage of the U.S. civilian population to purchase a long list of military equipment…”: [See list @ Link].

    Original intent? George Washington saw no problem with it. Game. Set. Match? We’ll see. Game On! Once again into the breech…


  4. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    More linky love on the disgrace & shame the Rethugs won’t dare name: Kristallnacht:

    First a quick overview:


    Specifics, again:

    “Go ahead, Blow up his house! Wrong house? Oh well!” Liberty U’s finest Journo major speaks!!:


    More background & overview & Pics on threats & mob violence here:


    How bad can it get? We’ve got history for that too. They cheered in certain precincts when Kennedy was shot down in Dallas, but esp. in TX. (they warned him not to come too, BTW):



  5. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    Other links on the same miserable disgrace via TPM:

    First an update from violence days ago in OH:


    More from the OH scene (Rep. Dreihaus gets house surrounded by proesters):


    More on Rep. Slaughter:


    And a heart warming “Letter to Conservatives” by An American Dad:


    Chock full of good stuff there! JMP

  6. Jules Avatar

    Good to know the GA Legislature hasn’t anything better to do-like balance the budget and sort out the mess that is under the Gold Dome.

    Hey good luck with that I say.

  7. sndeak Avatar

    I can’t even imagine what it is going to be like IF congress takes up Immigration reform anytime soon.

  8. George Wells Avatar
    George Wells

    Speaking of crazy, did you see over at Peach Pundit that the Repugs in the legislature want to impeach the AG for not suing Obama?

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