

ROME (AFP) – Around 50 left-wing municipal officials dropped their trousers at Rome’s city hall on Monday to call for the speedy passage of the Italian capital’s 2010 budget.

As much as I love Left of center politicians, I repeat-I don’t want to see any of ours try this!

As TBS noted in response to my Twitter of this last night-it appears at least the underwear was clean!

Psst-person third from left-are those really bloomers? Really? They must have stolen them straight from great Aunt Giovanna’s chiffonier.






3 responses to “Do.Not.Want.To.See.Here.”

  1. TimC Avatar

    yeah, there’s no one at the capitol i want to see drop trow

  2. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    I really don’t see why not. Semi-nude Italian men are a staple of almost every fashion mag I’ve ever seen. So..wait. Municipal workers. Gaaaak. But trou dropping, reasonably well dressed (well partially) Italians! And municipal officials. [ZZZZZZzzzzzzzz]. OK where were we? They almost look good from the waist up, that counts for something, right? And you think most newscasters wear pants too, eh? JMP

  3. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    If I did it you’d want to see it. And by “you” I mean a general “you” not a specific “you”.

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