A loyal fan of mine who eagerly awaits my latest post suggested I start a new series called: “Boob of the Week”. Within said series I would highlight the work of a boob of the highest degree.
There is no rest for the weary so I present to you, the first winner of the prestigious and esteemed “Boob of the Week”, the one and only congresswoman from Tennessee’s 7th Congressional District: Marsha Blackburn!
Her amazingly stupid answer on Meet the Press to David Gregory’s question: “What did freedom get the American people during–that led to the financial collapse? Is that not a fair question about the limits of, of the free capitalist system?”
“We know, we know that if you let free markets work–there is no expiration date on the free market. There is no expiration date on the American economy.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself!
Honorable mention goes to Michael Thurmond.
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