Barnes: Unafraid of Ray McBerry

From our good friend Jim Galloway, we learn that while Karen Handel did not show up for the Republican gubernatorial debate, Roy Barnes did. You’ve got to like his chutzpah. For Handel, I question a strategy that keeps her away from the press. Or, maybe not.

In other news, for those of you who, like me, only a short while ago thought that pine pellets might be a new breakfast cereal, this product really does have great revenue potential for Georgia in addition to being a source of renewable fuel; however, neither Gov. Barnes nor Rep. Porter invented them. I’m glad they are both in favor and could not possibly care less who said it first. For the record, I got my education on pine pellets from good friends at the Georgia Conservancy. So there.


7 responses to “Barnes: Unafraid of Ray McBerry”

  1. Alan Avatar

    The point is that DuBose Porter has been an advocate for this for years. He put his money where his mouth is by actually going down to testify against building new coal-fired power plants and in favor of converting to wood-fired power plants. He was the only one of the state’s top Democrats who took the time to do this. You know that he will follow through on his commitment if he is elected governor. Unfortunately, we know no such thing about Roy Barnes, because he is beholden to so many wealthy special interests. And I don’t get your point about this being insignificant because it’s between a small number of attentive insiders. Differences are differences, and this one is real, in my opinion.

  2. Amy Morton Avatar

    I hear that this is part of the Barnes campaign’s strategy to save money. The question is: “Did Barnes or did he not sit there with video camera in hand. ” Now, that would’ve been worth the price of admission.

  3. Julianal Avatar

    If Barnes is going to attend these event’s himself then I guess it gets kind of confusing for the “trackers” huh! How weird must that have been for the GOP tracker to follow Barnes into a GOP event.. LOL

  4. Amy Morton Avatar

    My point is that I like both of these men, and I agree with 90% of their positions on the issues. In fact, they agree with 90% of each other’s positions on the issues, I bet. If Porter wanted to make a case that somehow Barnes’ advocacy on this issue now is not genuine, there was a more effective way to communicate that point. To couch the conversation in who said it first sort of language doesn’t come across well to the 3% of Georgians who are now tuned in to this primary race. The fact that you and I are having this discussion at all, you realize, makes us the odd birds. The average Georgian could not tell you for sure when the primary is and who all is running, so Porter was making his argument to politcal insiders, most of whom could not care less.

  5. Reggie Avatar

    Yes, if Barnes is as sincere in his commitment to this as Porter is, that is what’s important. Some of his business involvements suggest otherwise, but ultimately the question is what he would do if elected.

  6. Amy Morton Avatar

    I’m not questioning either candidates’ commitment on the issue. Georgia Power burning pine pellets would be a great boon for Georgia’s economy. And, I bet few Georgians care who said it first. Neither of them invented the concept, and as far as I’m concerned, I wish that all our candidates were talking more about renewables. Is Porter’s point that Barnes should not be allowed to talk about it? I don’t get it. And, in the interest of full disclosure, while I plan to vote for Barnes in July, Porter was the first, and still the only, candidate for Governor to whom I’ve given a donation. I do intend to change that shortly.

  7. Reggie Avatar

    Sorry, but it in this instance it really does make a difference. It’s not really about “who said it first.” It’s about the fact that DuBose Porter stands out as having had a long and serious commitment to the environment in general, and this particular source of energy specifically. It is just one example of his vision for Georgia. He fully understands the problems with reliance on coal. This has long been one of his signature issues. None of the above is true for Mr. Barnes.

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