Cobb County Democrats Auction this Friday!

You are invited to attend the always lively and fun auction!

Every other year ( you know those pesky even numbered ones)  the Cobb County Democratic Party holds a fundraising auction, all proceeds going to the GOTV efforts in Cobb and  benefiting all the candidates.

The auction consists of both live and silent offerings.  In years past folks have fought over Betty Goodwin’s famous Lemon Curd, and a baking demonstration given by famous bread maker Ruth E Levy!  I’m contributing specially selected political memorabilia! There is always a wide variety of items to chose from, and every bid helps to fatten the coffers for Nov’s efforts.

It’s a fun evening, please come… Oh and did I mention there will be food!

Maybe the usual Happy Hour crew can be enticed into making a pilgrimage to Kennesaw and spent their cocktail money helping a good cause-I’m just saying.

When: Friday, September 10th 2010

Time: 6:00 pm doors open, silent bidding will begin

Location: Ben Robertson Community Center
2753 Watts Drive
Kennesaw, GA  30144
Cost of Admission: $10.00 OR you can bring a food donation, you know a “covered dish” sides, salads, sweets, casseroles
Contact: Linda Schwartz  ljschwartz4( at ) or 678-697-5746.
Let us know what you are bringing!
Contact Linda to volunteer (lots of help is needed!) or to donate items.






3 responses to “Cobb County Democrats Auction this Friday!”

  1. JMPrince Avatar

    Thanks Jules, I’m a sucker for old sh*t, and I was about the only person in the room, other than the owner, who knew who he was. Traded a few fav ‘one liners’ from the eventual winner in that race, ‘Silent Cal’ too with the former pin owner Alex. But it’s great to see our friends out in Cobb. And the stuff was thankfully small enough that it’ll scarcely be noticed in among the ‘debris fields’ that amounts to our storage at home. So it was a light night, it might have been far worse! Good to see everyone out. I think I still have one of those ‘honorary’ flags won in a similar auction flown over the US Capitol & presented by some long forgotten lesser Congresscritter up north. Ah the Power & the Glory! JMP

  2. Juliana Avatar

    A big thank you to JM Prince for attending and generously bidding on a wonderful old political campaign pin! Thank you to all who attended, the event was lovely.

    I ended up with a flag that flew over the capitol on July 28th in honor of the Cobb Dems.. Who knew you could request such a thing, and it comes with a certificate of authenticity. I only bid on it cause I knew they were not in session and could not have embarrassed us with some hateful legislation or resolution. Plus flags are easy to pack and store.

  3. griftdrift Avatar

    This sounds…interesting

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