Hollee Crap, I still can’t quite believe it. Late this afternoon, Senator Chambliss called Joe Jervis, author or Joe.My.God blog and offered an apology over the “all faggots must die” incident.
Joe describes his call with the Senator here, and the AJC covered it here.
Reading through the comments, most folks are willing to be very gracious towards the Senator. Me, meh, not so much. I think there is much more to this “staffer” whose now been “removed”. I’m so cranky and crusty these days that I have a feeling this character was so bad that the Senator had to get out in front of this and build some good will before the other shoe dropped, if you know what I mean.
I’ve lobbied both our Senators staff on a whole host of LBGT issues, and generally they are very polite and cordial giving me just enough time to not feel like we got the brush off. In each circumstance we left with no illusion that they were planning to support the legislation.
I am however very happy for the Queer Justice League, they must have had one whopper of a meeting yesterday!
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