Sketchy Goings On- in the 11th Congressional District

I just received an email from the Cobb Democratic Committee, a petition is being circulated by them to limit their support of the Democratic 11th CD candidate Katy Stamper. But as you’ll read, it will not result in her losing her spot on the ballot. This is only possible if she willingly removes herself, Sandra Bullock style. However, *cough* that seems unlikely.

I doubt that Rep Loudermilk (R-Tour Guide) is worried about losing his seat, to anyone, especially a Democrat, which makes this whole sordid episode so strange. The Congressman has $329,933 on hand, and welp Katy has a cute $16,231. She spoke with Martha Zoller, you see if this makes any sense to you.

“On March 8, 2024, Katy Stamper qualified to be on the Democratic ballot as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Congressional District 11.  Georgia law prevents political parties from refusing to qualify a candidate that meets the Georgia and Federal Constitutional Requirements.

Then, Stamper won last month’s primary to be the Democratic nomination. Since then, a petition to oppose Stamper has circulated among the counties that have any part of Congressional District 11, which includes Cobb.A successful petition does not have the ability to remove a candidate from the ballot as the nominee. It means that County Committees are no longer required to support the candidate in their printed mailers and literature or at events; and they can actively oppose them and support another candidate as a write-in (fyi: because Antonio Daza lost a primary election, he is barred by rule from being such a write-in alternative).

The Democratic Party of Georgia’s Bylaw 1.07.01 states:
“The Democratic Party and its County Committees may endorse or oppose a Democratic candidate in a federal or state election upon receiving two-thirds approval from the elected members of a County Committee and two-thirds approval from the State Executive Committee, followed by a two-thirds approval from the State Committee.”

Here are the substantive parts of the petition (we have clipped out the procedural parts to shorten the length of this email a bit). Emphasis will be added to help you skim if you would like:

Katy Stamper, Voter File VANID 4987848, classifies the candidate as SR-Strong Republican.  The candidate’s voting history demonstrates little interest nor participation in Democratic candidates over the years.

  • The candidate voted a Republican partisan ballot in the following general state primaries:  1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022.  
  • The candidate voted a Republican partisan ballot in the following presidential primaries: 2000, 2008, and 2012.  The candidate voted a Democratic partisan ballot in 2016.  It is the only Democrat partisan ballot voted in the entire history.
  • The candidate voted a Republican partisan ballot in the following runoff primaries:  2012, 2014, 2018, 2020.
  • The candidate has consistently supported political positions which are inconsistent with Democratic values.
  • The candidate’s website, (, displays transphobic and anti-immigrant statements.  She expresses her support for the Dustin Inman Society, an organization the “works very hard to make Georgia as inhospitable to illegal foreign nationals as possible”, and support for the Georgia Criminal Alien Track and Report Act of 2024 (HB 1105).  
  • The candidate’s X account, @KSacandy, is replete with repeated homophobic, transphobic, racist, Islamaphobic and anti-immigrant posts.  It further reflects her support for Trump, his policies, and notorious Republicans Roy Moore and Sheriff Arpaio.  The candidate has recently taken the account private, but searches with “sacandy” will reveal many that were found and shared.
  • FEC filings show repeated donations to WINRED in 2020 and 2021, earmarked for Donald J Trump for President, Inc., Trump Make America Great Again Committee, and the Save America Joint Fundraising Committee.  Further contributions were made in 2023 to Restore Our Nation (RON PAC), Ron Desantis for President and the Republican National Committee. In 2024, a donation was made to Friends of Matt Gaetz.  There is no record of any donations supporting Democratic candidates.
  • The candidate was featured in an article appearing in Breitbart News on August 27, 2023, in which she admitted being a devoted fan of Breitbart News and the Cartel Chronicles, stating, “I love being part of the Breitbart community because I know that my fellow readers are not just swallowing the swill of mainstream media.  They, like me, are interested in seeing issues from an Americans-first perspective.”
  • In response to recent inquiries by the press, she has refused to acknowledge whether she is a Democrat.
  • In February 2024, the candidate was interviewed by phone by the District Chair for CD11, Sheree Giardino.  The Chair asked repeated questions about her voting history, and support for Republican candidates and causes.  The candidate refused to discuss her extensive Republican voting history and gave evasive answers when questioned about her views on policy or the issues.  The candidate was advised that there was already a candidate filed with the FEC as a Democrat, Antonio Daza.  Her repeated response was that she “wanted to give voters a choice.”  All known information about the candidate was shared with DPG leadership.  
  • On June 1, 2024, the candidate appeared at the Cookout Fundraiser event for Cherokee County Democrats.  She was permitted to speak, where she represented herself as an “RFK style Democrat, because, like him I’m antivax.”  She also told attendees that she believed the 2020 election was stolen, and that President Biden was not legitimately elected.

I’ll keep ya posted, but I’m pretty sure they’ll find the plenty of folks to sign on to this petition.



