Boo hoo!
Welcome to the adults table, Governor Palin. Republican VP candidate, Sarah Palin, expresses her frustration with Katie Couric’s questions about her knowledge, background, and preparation.
“I did feel there were a lot of things she was missing in terms of an opportunity to ask what a VP candidate stands for, what the values are that are represented in our ticket,” Palin said. “I guess I have to apologize for being a bit annoyed, but that‚Äôs also an indication about being outside that Washington elite, outside that media elite also, and just wanting to talk to Americans without the filter and let them know what we stand for.”
Perhaps someone could explain the concept of political advertising to the Governor. Help the struggling economy Sister Sarah – buy some time and quit whining.
“Man, no matter what you say you are gonna get clobbered,” Palin told Fox about her heavily-scrutinized performance. “You choose to answer you are going to get clobbered on the answer. If you choose to pivot and try to go onto another subject that you believe Americans want to hear about, you get clobbered for that too.”
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