Help Jim Today!
I’m usually cranky after reading emails from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee since Georgia is usually way off the radar. Imagine my surprise to receive an email titled “This one’s for Max” today!
This year, we have a real chance to make Chambliss feel the sting of defeat, but only if thousands of us act in the next 12 hours. The latest polls show Democrat Jim Martin within two points, so the DSCC is adding a 12th battleground state and making a major new investment to win Georgia. This is a brand-new, enormous opportunity and it brings us one step closer to that filibuster-proof majority.
Folks, this is real. We can do it. We will do it, with your help. Show the DSCC that we need Jim Martin in the US Senate and that we understand that a President Obama needs him too. Donate now, either directly to Jim Martin or to the DSCC.
Full text of JB Proesch’s email below the fold.
I have never forgotten Saxby Chambliss’ revolting and repulsive hit piece equating Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein to triple-amputee war hero Max Cleland in 2002.
This year, we have a real chance to make Chambliss feel the sting of defeat, but only if thousands of us act in the next 12 hours. The latest polls show Democrat Jim Martin within two points, so the DSCC is adding a 12th battleground state and making a major new investment to win Georgia. This is a brand-new, enormous opportunity and it brings us one step closer to that filibuster-proof majority.
We are stretching every last dollar to cover this race at the very last minute. Martin will need all of our help if he’s going to knock off an entrenched Republican incumbent in the Deep South.
We have 12 hours to raise $247,632. With a new race to win and 11 others in full swing, meeting our goal has never been more important. To help us get there, a group of Senate Democrats will keep right on matching every contribution before midnight.
I need your help right now – in the next 12 hours – to defeat Chambliss and win a filibuster-proof majority. Even as little as $5 from you will help the DSCC put Democrats over the top in Georgia and beyond.
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