Shameless Saxby!

icon“The other folks are voting.”

Yes, he really said that. Politico reports on Senator Chambliss’ tour of North Georgia:

The Republican is outwardly confident, but there’s urgency in his voice as he tours North Georgia, trying to boost turnout in his predominately white base:”The other folks are voting,” he bluntly tells supporters.

Tell us, Senator, who are these “other folks”?






10 responses to “Shameless Saxby!”

  1. Zaid Avatar

    “The Republican is outwardly confident, but there’s urgency in his voice as he tours North Georgia, trying to boost turnout in his predominately white base:”The other folks are voting,” he bluntly tells supporters.”

    I also want to point out Politico tries to stir up controversy al the time. They inserted the word white in there, not Chambliss.

  2. Jules Avatar


  3. Sarawaraclara Avatar

    Hint: “the other folks” look like “that one.”

  4. Jules Avatar

    Note to candidates.. don’t EVER use the word “other” it’s a slippery slope..

    If you mean opposition say opposition, if you mean Democrats say Democrats, don’t code your language any more.. first it’s stupid and makes the assumption we all are “in” on it. Second we’re in a viral techno super highway not the freaking backwoods.. didn’t his “people” learn anything from the Maccaca moment.

    Saxby supposed to be the Pro right.. god knows what he’s saysing when he doesn’t think folks are listening.. dumbass

  5. plange Avatar

    Interesting article– in the last bits, I found this:

    [Chambliss’] work on Savannah harbor dredging is expected to win him support there from the longshoreman‚Äôs union, with its large black membership.

    but a little bird told me that the longshoreman’s union will be endorsing Martin… LOL…

  6. Zaid Avatar

    “If it were any other race, I would agree that he simply meant the other candidate’s supporters.

    But, in the context of what’s going on with the Black voter turn-out in Georgia and in the Senate race in particular, the quote did make me cringe. If you read the whole article, it makes it even more clear what Saxby is afraid of.”

    Well I”m not white, and I’m from a race that’s being bombed by the US every week senselessly (the would never do this to hunt down terrorists in a white country, but dropping a bomb on a crowded city in the hopes you might kill one terror suspect is A-OK). I certainly am aware of this race issue, and I wrote very strongly about Troy Davis from this perspective that riled up quite a few people (and thankfully his execution was stayed after enough people all over the state riling people up with protest and writing and speaking out), but I really don’t think Chambliss meant black people in this context.

    He’s a complete ass, a walking piece of shit conduit for the ultra-wealthy and cocktail party-and-country-club class, but I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt here because I really don’t think he meant that.

  7. PaulaG Avatar

    If it were any other race, I would agree that he simply meant the other candidate’s supporters.

    But, in the context of what’s going on with the Black voter turn-out in Georgia and in the Senate race in particular, the quote did make me cringe. If you read the whole article, it makes it even more clear what Saxby is afraid of.

  8. rptrcub Avatar

    I think I remember the man saying something on WABE the other day that intimated that people from Atlanta or DeKalb County weren’t from the “real Georgia.”

    Without either, Saxby, this state would be Mississippi. Kthxbai.

  9. Zaid Avatar

    I’m pretty sure he meant “other folks” like “other team” like Democrats. I don’t have a doubt in my mind that Saxby doesn’t think much of people with darker skin color, but I wouldn’t think the racial element is in this particular statement of his.

  10. jac1975 Avatar

    Here’s my guess, in Saxby-speak: child killers (like Jim Martin), fags (like me), and n-word (Nita, Will, Nikema, etc).

    You know, those of us who don’t live in “real America”.

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