I admit that I’ve been a little distracted over the past 10 days or so. What with the runoff, holiday preparations, business matters, and all I haven’t followed every Political Insider piece. Well, finally I have had a chance to look back at some of the fuel that fired up bloggers, chatters, and others regarding the Democratic Party of Georgia.
I cannot politely express my annoyance with Mr Galloway’s timing. Political Insider skewered Democrats in three of the five column entries for December 2nd, the date of the much anticipated runoff election for Georgia’s US Senator. Nothing wrong with that, politics is a full-contact sport. If the information in all the pieces was complete and accurate I would have no beef with Mr Galloway’s comments. Alas, with a phone call or two, Mr Galloway could have gotten the real story behind the disclosures.
Thankfully, Rashad Taylor (who is always just a phone call away, Mr Galloway) was our guest on Kudzu Vine last night. Mr Taylor gave us the full story of the $142,000 debt (that is Democratic Caucus debt, paid down from over $200,000 since 2004) and the $40,000 deposit for the inaguration (just a deposit, all coming back to the party). Mr Taylor was, as always, friendly, informative, and open on Kudzu Vine.
So, Mr Galloway, maybe next time you could do a little research before skewering Georgia Democrats instead of just writing what fits (either your column or your paradigm).
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