Read the whole thing, but the gist of it is, that the GOP was bragging they’d elect Jason Mumpower ( yeah I did not make that name up-oh and the resemblance to Joe the Plumber is a little freakish) and he’d spearhead all sorts of nasty legislation getting to the floor..abortion votes, 2nd amendment votes, anti-immigrant votes, anti-gay votes you get the idea.
The election of Williams was what Democrats called the “nuclear option:” electing a Republican who was friendly to Democrats, creating coalitions between the parties. As recently as Monday, Mumpower had dismissed such talk, saying that Republicans were united.
Afterward, Naifeh acknowledged that the move was likely to anger Republicans, but said he thought Democrats and Republicans could continue to work together, he said.
“Emotions are high right now, and I would hope that we would be able to have a good session,” Naifeh said.
As the vote took place, the House chamber at moments erupted into near bedlam, with spectators raining down boos, hisses and angry shouts, all of which was quickly quieted when Naifeh threatened to have unruly audience members removed from the chamber.
hat tip to Odin( sorry saw your comment a minute ago) this blogger and kos diary
Well looks like some big pimping was had just north of us!
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