Live Blog from Georgia Legislative Black Caucus Press Conf


The Press Conf is in response to the vote of HR673.

Sen Keith Heard( HR673 author) is speaking now about the vote today ( Can’t link to it now-they pulled from site) This vote was to make President Barack Obama a honorary member of the GLBC.

The vote was 68 yeas to 70 neas. A PDF will be posted later with the votes.

Georgia is the first to make the President a honorary member, since Rep Smyre is the President of National Black Caucus of State Legislators so that’s why it was initiated here.

Rep. Austin Scott (R-153) objected and had it pulled from the rest of the calendar and asked for it to be voted on sep. A motion to reconsider was placed, they need 91 votes.

A member of the press is asking if a white person had won would they have objected. Sen Jones is trying to answer tactfully.

The GLBC is also commenting on the fact that Perdue signed on with Texas about removing the section 7 ( not sure about this one) I will link to this later.

4:49: Rep Symre is speaking now-he feels it’s very disrespectful and tomorrow is headed to DC for meeting with President Obama. -Good grief the man is going to have to “apologize for Georgia”

Sen Fort is commenting now- He also feels this was very disrespectful, is outraged and pointed out that this was passed in the senate no issues.

5:05 They have ended to press conf and adjourned to the GLBC meeting, which was orginally scheduled for 4:30. I expect this meeting to be quite lively.

Press here and here.

Note: from the author- I’ve been working as a Legislative aide this session and have been loath to publicly comment much about this session. However today’s antics with the Privileged Resolutions is just the latest in a long string of hateful, nasty and obviously racially biased attacks on the President and his supporters. A few weeks ago we had preacher go off about the President and having the “answer to God” ( alluding to the President’s position on a women’s right to choose) you hear “those people” all the time.

It’s also been the anti-Obama agenda all day long here. The same week the President signed stem cell bill, we voted it down.






27 responses to “Live Blog from Georgia Legislative Black Caucus Press Conf”

  1. Zaid Avatar

    And I think they deleted where I wrote that McCain admitted to Arianna Huffington that he didnt’ vote for Bush in 2000.

    Free Speech ftl

  2. Zaid Avatar

    I’m starting to just fuck with Erick just for fun

    Seriously, as much as you guys might think I hate on Obama, I spend most of my time defending him to Republicans. But I’m open-minded enough to where I can call BS on him, like with the banking bailout and afghanistan.

  3. odinseye2k Avatar

    Rogue is the “n*** guy” from South Park. See “apologies to Jessie Jackson” for details.

  4. Zaid Avatar

    Over at peach pundit they’re turning this into basically, “LOL OBAMA.” I guess it’s the best victory they’ve had in a while.

  5. ichibanwaun Avatar

    The GLBC had to walk out because they could not defend the line, “unimpeachable reputation for integrity, vision and passion.” Sucking up and disregarding facts would be a step backward even for the GLBC. The GLBC and GA legislation would then have no integrity or sense. Yes, Obama reneging on one campaign promise=no integrity.

  6. TBS Avatar

    I’d like to point out that Mike Jacobs voted NO. No surprise, but it is reason #150256986 to hate him. Racist pig.

  7. sndeak Avatar

    I’ve been to a GA session. I’m tired of making excuses for legislators.

  8. Jules Avatar

    Sndeak…. two weeks left in the session. I invite you to visit me one day-you’ll see how it really is-you’ll get your eyes opened my friend

  9. Jules Avatar

    Sndeak…. two weeks left in the session. I invite you to visit me one day-you’ll see how it really is-you’ll get your eyes opened my friend

  10. Jules Avatar

    Sndeak…. two weeks left in the session. I invite you to visit me one day-you’ll see how it really is-you’ll get your eyes opened my friend

  11. sndeak Avatar

    No excuse. We send them there to vote on legislation.

  12. JerryT Avatar

    So now I see that Richardson sent it back to committee, the GLBC walked out, and then Richardson had the doors locked?

  13. Jules Avatar


    It was the very end of the day, and usually these things zip right through.

    Many D’s were off the floor in a committee meeting, some had left, and saddly some just walked – Rick Crawford (sort of a D)

  14. sndeak Avatar

    I pulled the vote on HR 673. There were 37 Not Voting, including some Democrats.

  15. Zaid Avatar

    “Zaid, No it wouldn’t. You think the GA GOP has love for Israel? I doubt that, I rilly rilly do.”

    Not that many people have love for Israel. It’s that you just have to be with every single thing Israel does and pretend you love every single thing about it — or else.

    Heck, during Israel dropping literally a few million cluster bomblets on southern Lebanon, Sonny Perdue of all people showed up in atlanta hosting a “WE STAND WITH ISRAEL” rally. I don’t know if that dumbass could even point to israel on a map, but it doesn’t matter. It means money and clout.

  16. j.r.ward Avatar

    i was there today in the house during these antics. it made me sick. i have listened to a lot of things i disagree with in the house this session and can usually just shrug it off, but today actually made ashamed. when things like that happen it scares me how behind our state can be. it is a reality check, reminding me of the type of people that will never change. call it politics, partisan politics…. i call it hate, and resentment. it should eventually pass, but should never have been an issue

    (i am the assist. house photographer)

  17. j.r.ward Avatar

    i was there today in the house during these antics. it made me sick. i have listened to a lot of things i disagree with in the house this session and can usually just shrug it off, but today actually made ashamed. when things like that happen it scares me how behind our state can be. it is a reality check, reminding me of the type of people that will never change. call it politics, partisan politics…. i call it hate, and resentment. it should eventually pass, but should never have been an issue

  18. Jules Avatar

    well, not the good kind clearly

  19. griftdrift Avatar

    The pigs and bullets thing was also Austin Scott. I’m convinced there is acid in the water supply.

  20. Jules Avatar

    sorry “till” he’s ready.. Then baby it’s on.

  21. Jules Avatar

    Ruby- sorry hon- I don’t take em’ when he’s ready for his first Def Leppard/ACDC/Alice Cooper/Fogaht concert.

  22. Jules Avatar

    Zaid, No it wouldn’t. You think the GA GOP has love for Israel? I doubt that, I rilly rilly do.

  23. Rubyduby Avatar

    As much as I truly dislike RatBastard Sherman, perhaps a nice cleansing fire would be beneficial to the state again. Just burn it down and start over.

    How f’in stupid do you have to be as a state to continue to spit in the eye of a very popular president?

    On a side note, if anyone wants a nearly 3 year old total pain in the butt – he’s yours. I’ll throw in the DVD collection we’ve amassed thus far…or does anyone know where I can buy a boatload of patience? I appear to be fresh out and am willing to pay any price!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Zaid Avatar

    I know what the bill is, I’m just saying if we included something completely unrelated with it about israel that it would pass, it was a joke

  25. Jules Avatar


    To be clear this is an honorary membership to the GEORGIA Black Caucus.. I seriously doubt the GA GOP would vote for inclusion with Israel any more than for President Obama.

    The day started with two bills one about beavers and right of ways and another about regulating the size of hunting lights, examples worn by Elly Dobbs and quips from the R-s about “coon-dogs” and trees and he most famous coon dog ever.. oh and FYI we have no regulations on the size of light if you want to hunt alligator at night.

    oh and earlier this week we had some mo-ron speak about how it’s all Obama’s fault that bullets are so expensive and he couldn’t buy cheap bullets to shoot his wild pigs..

    yeah you really can’t make this shit up.

  26. Zaid Avatar

    They should’ve included something in the bill to guarantee it’s passage. Something no American legislator would vote against.

    “Obama will be an honorary caucus member and Israel is the greatest country ever.”

    (runs away)

  27. politicalaka Avatar

    We’re a disgrace to the nation.

    Austin Scott is never going to be Governor. There are just not that many rednecks left. And the ones who are left are too broke to worry about this silliness.

    Not that it matters whether President Obama is an honorary member of the GLBC or not. I am sure he will relish the opportunity to put a nail in the GA GOP’s coffin during the 2010, 2012 and 2014 elections.

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