It’s an “all skate” now. Well at least in NY’s AG race

Spitzer- Really… really? REALLY? Wow.

Makes our festive mobile look, well, sigh, quite tame.







7 responses to “It’s an “all skate” now. Well at least in NY’s AG race”

  1. Drew Avatar

    From the perspective of a campaign, that’s irrelevant. He committed a crime.

  2. politicalaka Avatar

    Drew –

    According to Spitzer himself on the Today Show a couple of weeks ago, he has not yet been charged with anything. Why wouldn’t charges have been brought right away? Unless the point of the whole exercise was to remove Spitzer from office, not punish prostitution and related crimes.

  3. Drew Avatar

    It’s also between him and the prosecutor, what with prostitution still being illegal. And the whole lawbreaking thing might be a reason for him not to run for Attorney General.

    I don’t think that Spitzer is all that indespensible, but yeah, given Vitter, him being a john doesn’t automatically diaqualify him from being a candidate.

  4. politicalaka Avatar

    I think Spitzer would make an excellent AG and there is no reason for him not to run. His prostitute problem is between him and his wife. It’s a shame that he was not in office during the fall of our economic system. Some argue that Spitzer knows where the bodies are buried on Wall Street, and that’s the real reason his preference for ‘hos became public.

  5. Jason D. Avatar
    Jason D.

    Hey, if Vitter can keep rolling on, why not Spitzer? Besides, he thrived on the anti-corporate shtick, so he could actually do well in this political environment.

  6. Ataru Atlanta Avatar
    Ataru Atlanta

    Preach it, Jules! You do the curriculum, maybe you should do a class called “Fail: Case Studies in Failed Campaigns That Returned for More Sequels Than Freddy Kreuger”, or at least a primer on how not to be a candidate with a bonus section called “Sharon Teague: A Case Study”. I suggest calling this sequel “A Nightmare on Spring Street Part XVII: The (Gradual) Quickening.”

  7. Jules Avatar

    There really really should be a 12 step program for politicians who just can’t leave the system.

    Maybe Cobb Dems need to add that to their classes.

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