Wednesday Open Thread

Seems there might be things to chat about…

Carry on.. I’m off to bed.






25 responses to “Wednesday Open Thread”

  1. Zaid Avatar

    Somehow we attracted like half a dozen secessionists to our blog arguing in favor of the South in the civil war..

  2. odinseye2k Avatar

    Kos is gloating about Zell Miller’s “National Party No More” book. I think the thing is that Zell somehow made the mistake of believing that the South is part of the rest of the country politically, which polls are increasingly showing to be untrue.

    As much fun as it is to poke at, the next big step is figuring out how to get the South back on board. Secession didn’t go so well for either side last time.

  3. Zaid Avatar

    I’m laughing my ass off at the Club for Growth right now. It’s their fault the political spectrum went so far to the right, and now one of their primary challengers scared the guy into becoming a Democrat. This is delicious. I feel like calling them and just laughing.

  4. odinseye2k Avatar

    Even sweeter. Arlen Specter (D-PA).

    Hope the rumors are true, if only to make the R caucus crap themselves.

    Yes, he may not vote with the D caucus on many, many issues. But, if he votes to allow the vote, it does not matter.

  5. odinseye2k Avatar

    That’s a pretty awesome cantilevered design. I can only hope the foundation is bolted into the rock face.

  6. JerryT Avatar

    I’m not normally comfortable using the word ‘fabulous’ but I think this qualifies:

  7. odinseye2k Avatar

    Also, it seems like Isakson is one we can pick off on some infrastructure matters … he really likes high-speed rail, and we could probably interest him in evidence-based medicine and other technological precursors to a better national health system.

    There’s such a big board for Democrats nationally in the Senate, it may be better to focus on the home front this time around. Especially on those lower races in the GGA.

    Also, it would be really nice in the next Congress if the leadership was given to a Senator from a blue state. Just speaking tactically here. Is the appointment of red state leadership part of a gentlemanly tradition of centrist leadership (that the Republicans broke) or a cheat on another gentlemanly tradition (again, the R’s broke, but probably with reason) of not seriously challenging opposition leadership in the voting booth?

  8. Decaturguy Avatar

    Hey, I’m all for fielding candidates for every race to at least provide some competition and a platform for the party message, but, unless Issakson has a last minute change of heart and runs for Governor, we aren’t going to beat a relatively popular incumbent Senator (Isakson is no Saxby), particularly with some last minute entry into the field, so I think we ought to be focusing our energies on something a little more obtainable like picking off some Republican Legislators in Democratic districts or trying to avoid getting completely swept out of all the statewide Consitutional positions.

  9. J.M. Prince Avatar

    #3 Things:

    1.) Again, it took more guts that you’ll ever possess to come into a situation late, to yes, try and prevent a disaster at the top of the ticket.

    2.) There was a clear logic in what happened, and only snide know nothing partisan hacks would want to continually question & harp on it.

    3.) Hilarious & laughable is the self parody of an anti-Dem partisan hack that you’ve always been Z.


  10. Zaid Avatar

    Two things

    1) Martin was a fine public servant (most of the time)

    2) His coming into this recent race the way he did was hilarious and laughable

  11. J.M. Prince Avatar

    If you look at the polling and knew the run up in MN, Norm was still close, but desperately short of cash right at the end. He really could have used the money the GOP was wasting down here on Shameless. I still say it was possibly the most expensive race we’ve seen so far in Ga. And few people realize the extent of the advertising that was being done. The radio alone by ‘independent groups’ was possibly in excess of 2-3 Mill. Up here in my podunk county, we had radio ads going on every few minutes. It was needless, but they still buried us with it.

    So yeah, despite it all, I think the sacrifices were worth it. We may come to see the results, but not directly here soon. That’s life. JMP

  12. odinseye2k Avatar

    Well, there is the positive development that people are willing to pay for better transportation (I forgot the poll). They’d probably also be willing to pay for better schools if there was a counter to all the FUD about the ineffectiveness of the spending in inability to raise test scores even with more money.

  13. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    Because the state is pretty rapidly changing and will be different in 2010. Plus there could be different issues at play. However, most importantly, sometimes you have to remind voters what they think about you (“former governor, yeah I voted for him! He was great!”).

  14. odinseye2k Avatar

    The scary thing is that Obama couldn’t carry Georgia. Jim Martin couldn’t carry Georgia. Mark Taylor couldn’t carry Georgia.

    I’m even wondering if Roy Barnes could carry Georgia with his electoral history.

    I’m not even sure how “economic populism” is supposed to work in a state that has settled for regional prominence and believes that wage/tax slavery is still a path to prosperity when there are places like China and Mexico just as eager to take the work.

  15. JerryT Avatar

    JM, are you saying that Coleman would have won that race if only he had a little more money? I find that highly doubtful, although your overall point is still taken- there is probably a race somewhere that benefited from the expense here.

  16. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    If and when Roy gets in the race, wouldn’t surprise me if Thurbert runs for senate. The talk being: you wanted the big time, you can’t defeat Roy (let’s call it as it is, no one could defeat Roy, except for maybe Zell running as a Dem), no point going back to AG, step up to the plate and be a big boy.

  17. J.M. Prince Avatar

    Z says: “(dodges bricks from Martin campaign)”

    Let’s be perfectly clear here Z. Jim Martin, a highly respectable & worthy public servant of more than 2 decades of exemplary service to his country & state was a decent candidate for Senate, and would have been a fine Senator. But for the money the GOP spent here in Ga. trying to save Shameless’s butt, (and it was plenty in excess of 10Mill), we probably would not now be on the threshold of yes, an Al Franken, Senator. That’s the base they could not cover for Norm. It’s going to happen.

    And let me say also that Jim Martin has more intelligence, integrity & guts than you’ll ever dream of possessing too. For the record. JMP

  18. Zaid Avatar

    Maybe they should run someone for the Senate race who simply puts out a good progressive message effectively just to raise some important issues, if nothing else.

    Or maybe we can bring in some guy who comes in last minute and uses a trial lawyer base to win a primary but has zero steam statewide

    (dodges bricks from Martin campaign)

  19. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.

    I’m pretty sure we’ve conceded the Senate race.

  20. Jason D. Avatar
    Jason D.

    So with all of our heavy hitters running for governor, who’s running for Senate?

  21. odinseye2k Avatar

    Thanks for making me finally see Prop 8 the Musical.

  22. Rubyduby Avatar

    I know everyone saw the “Gathering Storm” stupid video for the National Organization for Marriage (whatevah!). Well there is a new organization in town – for your viewing pleasure:

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