When you are on the “Hill”, don’t be surprised what you’ll see

Call this post adventures in activism part 2… see part 1 below on the Super 6.

I’m always amazed by the many surprises that await while in DC…

Leaving the Russell Senate offices we ran into this demonstration. These folks were very organized and very loud! You go ADAPT! Wish I could have helped but we had a different mission. Later on some of the activists handcuffed themselves to the White House.. Fist UP!


A few minutes later inside the Cannon building- who did we run into but this Congressman…


Back outside I saw this vehicle parked along the offices… Ummm I remember the “Thing” but wow that’s a old car, I think someones Mom growing up had one. I was fascinated by the many stickers for Burr (no not Aaron) is presumably this guy. I think all those stickers are holding the car together.


Finally my work was done exhausted and hot, I got to ride home on AirTran with this gentleman. He seemed pretty shocked, when I called him Senator and thanked him for his service. Of course as you all know I have no idea who is Dancing with the Stars or wining on Idol. I’m into a different kind of celebrity.

I love DC.






2 responses to “When you are on the “Hill”, don’t be surprised what you’ll see”

  1. Jules Avatar

    Ruby… if we take Carter to DC before he’s 13, a Congressman can escort him onto the House floor and if they are voting Carter can actually make the vote.

    But only up till 12 I think.. I learned that last summer from Congressman Lewis.

    Ok, so you all need to figure out where you’ll be living and make sure you a friendly enough with the congress person to make that happen.. ok.. got that

  2. Rubyduby Avatar

    And I love that you go to DC to fight the good fight for us.

    Only 13 more years until we turn Carter over to you for his schooling.

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