Mine That Bird pulls off upset in Kentucky Derby
We are unamused by this talk of recycled hats. Must have more of these to dull the pain of recent 401K now 2.5 K.
When was the last time your read this? The good doctor never disappoints.
Mine That Bird pulls off upset in Kentucky Derby
We are unamused by this talk of recycled hats. Must have more of these to dull the pain of recent 401K now 2.5 K.
When was the last time your read this? The good doctor never disappoints.
The only event that it is acceptable to make your own hat for is Jimmy Buffett’s annual swing through town and not everyone can pull off a Mayor of Margaritaville look. One day I promise to show you all my stunning Buffett hat. It really is something to behold…
But for something with such a time-honored tradition as the Kentucky Derby to be mentioned as a craft project just shows this town (or perhaps just it’s paper) is completely lacking in class. Fiddle-dee-dee indeed!
I can’t think of the Derby without remembering that awesome fundraiser at Vs. I hope you wore that smashing derby hat today. Even around the house. I have a picture of it somewhere. Now where did I put it?
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