I was given a copy for my birthday ( thank you, Melanie), and lawdy I swear I didn’t put it down till I’d read all 448 pages. It was so grippingly good I lugged it on a plane. When was the last time you traveled with a hardback book?
Is it gossipy? You betcha
Is it insider baseball? Heck ya!
Did I already know most of it, kind a.. but the way it’s written filled it in with a larger context that would have been impossible to see in the middle of the campaign.
Will it bring you right back to the thrills and chills of 2008- well it sure did for me.
My copy went out on loan last week and I doubt I’ll see it back for some time.
If you are not in line for my copy, and headed off to get one, please shop responsibly and purchase at a independent book dealer in your neighborhood. In the metro Atlanta area, we love to shop at A Cappella Books in Little 5.
If you’ve already read it… what did you think? If you haven’t, will you?
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