Crazy is NOT the new black

lady_gagas_crazy_fashion_being_awarded.jpgSigh, where to begin with all the K-razy this week.

Eric Cantor- nope you are not a victim, even if you do keep calling the whammmmbulance.

I had to giggle at this remix, but really it’s a sad commentary on the -big-ass air quotes “loyal opposition”, end big-ass air quotes.

Sarah Palin channeled her inner Leather Tuscadero aka Suzi Quatro at a McCain rally, wearing black leather and claiming that the bulls eye targets and gunfire rhetoric is just a “ginned up controversy invented by the lamestream media.” So, we can’t say the “R” word but she can use anti-ablism language? Idiot.

Your Tea Party Leaders, one in total denial, the other a big sad mess.






5 responses to “Crazy is NOT the new black”

  1. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    Still more on the real background to the crazy that afflicts us:

    Ex Fundie minister Frank Schaeffer tells the tale:

    “The Evangelical “Mainstream” Insanity Behind the Michigan “End Times” Militia”


  2. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    Seen in passing on the nets: a new vid with a really creepy & yet touching feel:


  3. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    Again whither the Crazy? Thy name is Rethuglican:


    Steele Declines To Sign DNC ‘Joint Civility Statement’

    Christina Bellantoni | March 26, 2010, 5:57PM


    “The Democratic National Committee says that Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele has declined to sign on to a joint statement written by DNC Chairman Tim Kaine that condemns threats made to members of Congress from both parties. The draft text of the statement says that while Steele and Kaine disagree on the health care bill, they would “together call on elected officials of both parties to set an example of the civility we want to see in our citizenry” and ask “all Americans to respect differences of opinion, to refrain from inappropriate forms of intimidation, to reject violence and vandalism, and to scale back rhetoric that might reasonably be misinterpreted by those prone to such behavior.”

    DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse told reporters that Kaine sent the letter to Steele today and then phoned him asking the chairman to release a joint bipartisan statement “condemning the threats and acts of vandalism over the past week, calling for an end to such tactics and urging a more civil tone in our politics.” “This afternoon, Chairman Steele, through staff, declined Chairman Kaine’s offer,” Woodhouse said.”

    [The Rest @ link including full statement from DNC’s Tim Kaine]:


  4. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    And of course our fav via TPM: The Rethug ugly loser beat:


    Nooses And Broken Windows: A Week Of Threats And Vandalism

    Rachel Slajda | March 26, 2010, 5:37PM

    “As the health care debate came to its conclusion this week, the high-running emotions of many finally crested, taking the form of threats and acts of vandalism at the offices of several lawmakers, most of them Democrats. Here, a roundup:[See Link Below]”

    And again, where did this come from? Rethuglican Party central, Congress:


    Living Dangerously: Republicans’ Most Incendiary Rhetoric on Health Care Reform

    Rachel Slajda | March 26, 2010, 5:23PM

    “RNC Chairman Michael Steele, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK)

    Anti-Health Care Violence, Democrats, Republicans, Threats to Congress

    “Yesterday, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor accused Democrats of exploiting threats against them for political gain and “dangerously fanning the flames” by suggesting Republicans were behind the anger and violent rhetoric of the right”.[Examples @ link below]:


  5. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    The crazy? Lives everywhere in the US:

    [Via TPM]

    03.28.10 — 7:05PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (76)

    FBI Conducts Raids in Mich, Ohio, Indiana

    “An FBI-led Joint Terrorism Task Force has conducted a series of raids on a Christian militia group called ‘Hutaree’. Seven have been arrested so far and will appear in U.S. District Court in Detroit tomorrow.

    More Fun Where That Came From Update: Gawker digs up the Hutaree militia’s page on MySpace.”

    –Josh Marshall


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