Supreme Court Upholds Terrorism Law, Overturns “Libertarian” Label

You know those people who call themselves “Libertarians” but are actually Neo-Conservatives just hiding behind their Civil Liberties robes?

Yes, I am talking about the Supreme Court.

That firewall protecting our rights has decided that even under the strictest scrutiny that a law limiting free speech (of all things, I mean if the ranked the bill of rights, this would have to be first), it is totally cool for the government to criminalize the teaching of human rights depending upon who is listening. Impressive, no? And they got Stevens to go along with them.

From the New York Times, read it and weep:

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., writing for the majority in the 6-to-3 decision, said the law’s prohibition of providing some types of intangible assistance to groups the State Department says engage in terrorism did not violate the First Amendment.

“At bottom,” Chief Justice Roberts wrote, “plaintiffs simply disagree with the considered judgment of Congress and the executive that providing material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization — even seemingly benign support — bolsters the terrorist activities of that organization.”

“For instance, if you lecture on why it might be a better idea to lay down your arms and instead try irrigating the land and you serve carrot sticks and ranch dressing at said lecture, the terrorists could use the sustenance provided by the carrots, which lets them see better in the dark, on a furtive night raid where they destroy the set of ‘Britain’s Got Talent’.”

and from the Plaintiffs side:

The plaintiffs said they had sought to aid only the two groups’ nonviolent activities. For instance, they said, they wanted to offer training in how to use international law to resolve disputes peacefully and “how to petition various representative bodies such as the United Nations for relief.”

Totally. That is exactly like giving them guns.

I will say I thought the Plaintiffs took the wrong tact in their argument. [They probably should have hired our firm, who is now, as of Monday still undefeated at the appellate level.]






One response to “Supreme Court Upholds Terrorism Law, Overturns “Libertarian” Label”

  1. JMPrince Avatar

    The most reactionary court in possibly 100 years and possibly the most ‘activist’ ever too. Brilliant combo. JMP

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