One more reason for folks in “flyover states” to hate the New York Times…
In the article “The Politics of Polite” the author makes many claims, most of which ignore that millions of people were taught to say Ma’am and Sir out of respect.
Ma’am is, of course, a contraction of madam, and its usage varies by region. Southerners and Midwesterners will ma’am with greater frequency than do the residents on the East and West Coasts, said Deborah Tannen, author of “You Just Don’t Understand” and a linguistics professor at Georgetown. “You’re more likely to hear ma’am when somebody is annoyed.”
Honestly lady, could you spare us just a little of your disdain?
Sheesh, I’m from Jersey and don’t get as bunchy about this as she did.
Hat Tip~ Diane Lore
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