You are invited to attend the always lively and fun auction!
Every other year ( you know those pesky even numbered ones) the Cobb County Democratic Party holds a fundraising auction, all proceeds going to the GOTV efforts in Cobb and benefiting all the candidates.
The auction consists of both live and silent offerings. In years past folks have fought over Betty Goodwin’s famous Lemon Curd, and a baking demonstration given by famous bread maker Ruth E Levy! I’m contributing specially selected political memorabilia! There is always a wide variety of items to chose from, and every bid helps to fatten the coffers for Nov’s efforts.
It’s a fun evening, please come… Oh and did I mention there will be food!
Maybe the usual Happy Hour crew can be enticed into making a pilgrimage to Kennesaw and spent their cocktail money helping a good cause-I’m just saying.
When: Friday, September 10th 2010
Time: 6:00 pm doors open, silent bidding will begin
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