Author: Juliana
Men we love
Ed Hula.. cause this shit still makes him happy Openly Gay British horseman wins gold. Suck it Ann Romney. Rest in Peace, Marvin. By all accounts you were a decent kind man, in an industry not always know for such. Whoever this dude is. Can’t wait for the next chapter.
Friday Open Thread with Cocktails!
It’s been a long week… and I need a drink. Friday Happy Hour is officially called at Manuel’s 6 pm ish. We’ll be in the back bar unless they’ve got it closed for an event. We will be there till about 8:00 pm. Here’s the thing, if you don’t come…we’ll be taking about you. Other…
July 2012 Primary Link Dump & Open Thread
My apologies, I’ve been way off the grid. Here are a few things I thought you all might have missed. Enjoy. The Georgia League of Women Voters has a wonderful online tool to help you with your ballot. It’s very comprehensive-spend a few minutes checking it out. I promise you will learn something. Sen. Fort minces few words…
Monday Open Thread Holiday Week Edition
The Tour de France started this weekend. Did you watch any of it? We did, mostly because it was hot outside and I love a tourism ad for Belgium and France featuring young men in tight shorts. I don’t think this is how you win moderate votes. Today is the last day to register to…
Tuesday Open Thread
Smart kid, stupid principal. Beautiful and Fierce. Monster. Fantastic. Shameful and ugly. Old news. I can’t believe we still have to bitch/lobby/advocate on this.