Author: Juliana

  • Georgia Candidate Qualifying-Open Thread

    State and Federal Offices – Qualifying now at the Georgia Capitol. Updates from SOS for House, Senate,  Federal  all other races here. County Offices -Qualifying now in your county. See the County Board ofElections for the locations based on partisan districts, benches or law enforcement slots. Final list of candidates posted at county court house around…

  • Hump Day and stuff

    This is kind of funny. I didn’t know who this person was till he made a complete jerk of himself. One week till GA Candidate Qualifying begins. Which party will qualify the nuttiest nut job? This is big shiny and new. So much for letting the voters decide.

  • “Spoiled Brats”

    Oh dear, Cobb County Commission Chairman called the folks who don’t support the 1% sales tax for transportation “spoiled brats”.   The whole article from the MDJ is here. MABLETON — Cobb Chairman Tim Lee held a town hall meeting Monday evening, but it was overshadowed by an apology for a statement he made at…

  • This Week’s Event Round Up

    Calendar items, events of interest and cleaning out my in box. Tuesday: What: Fundraiser for Ken Britt running to replace the retiring Kathy Ashe in House District 56. Where: Private Home, RSVP for address. Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Cost: $100.00 Campaign Donation Requested RSVP to (404) 939-7754 events {at } Wednesday: What:…

  • Get one today!

    The campaign to re-elect  Congressman John Robert Lewis has opened an on line store with a handful of items that are thought provoking and a little cheeky at the same time. Not an easy thing to do when you think how grim those jails and prisons were in the 1960’s for African Americans. If you’ve ever…

  • Today in LBGT History

    A sitting US President publicly affirms the right for all people to marry. My email is full of statements from every LBGT group under the sun, I won’t post them all. Here’s a quick sample of what the folks who have worked the hardest on this issue had to say. National Stonewall Democrats: President Obama…