Author: Juliana

  • Honor our Veterans and Support the Troops

    National Veterans Day Ceremony The Veterans Day National Ceremony is held each year on November 11th at Arlington National Cemetery . The ceremony commences precisely at 11:00 a.m. with a wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknowns and continues inside the Memorial Amphitheater with a parade of colors by veterans’ organizations and remarks from…

  • The 312th GOP Debate aka Midweek Open Thread

    No, I’m not watching it… but feel free to put any comments here. I’m watching re-runs of Modern Family, why didn’t anyone tell me this show is genius? Oh and Herman, I know it’s been a busy week for you and all, what with the slew of former employees speaking about how you are a…

  • Friday Open Thread

    No, it’s not the “V” mask, it’s this guy. Don’t they teach history anymore? By the way, if you don’t want to wear the plastic mask, get in line for one of these. Drug Testing for everyone! Cause, yay, we’ve got money for that! Oh wait… I recently bought a 1972 First Ladies Cookbook, in…

  • How is this NOT front page news?

    Georgia Militiamen Arrested in Major Domestic Terror Plot Four members of an unnamed North Georgia militia planned to attack cities including Atlanta with deadly ricin, bomb federal buildings and murder law enforcement officials and others, according to charges leveled yesterday. The four elderly men were arrested after a lengthy investigation that began last March, when…

  • Occupy Atlanta. Good idea, bad implementation

    Seriously, Seriously… you barred one of the most liberal, most experienced, allied Congress people from speaking at your rally/organizational meeting/group hug/ hippie hook up/it’s nice outside and I don’t feel like going home event. I have to ask are you just ill-informed or  willfully stupid? I was going to give the Occupy Atlanta folks a lot…

  • Sunny and 75, sounds like perfect parade weather to me!

    Just received a very informative email from Atlanta Stonewall with all the details about this weekends Pride festivities. This weekend, join Atlanta Stonewall Democrats along with our friends from the LGBT Caucus of the Democratic Party of Georgia and the Young Democrats of Georgia as we signup new members and register voters at the Atlanta…